Discussion: Just Kidding, Guys! Gingrich ‘Goofed’ When He Said ‘Drain The Swamp’ Is Dead

Why are so many Rethugs scared to death of this tyrant? I never seen so many people fall in line after not initially supporting this guy. I guess they’re scared shitless of his Breitbart internet trolls, and all his twitter followers attacking mercilessly. This does not bold well for the country.

One thing was interesting. dRumpf went from the refrain of: “draining the swamp,” to: Actually, we will be always ‘TRYING’ to DTS. Emphasis on trying. This clown has pulled a serious con job on a sizable portion of the American electorate, and those that had the good common sense not to vote for the evil man will suffer the consequences.

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You seriel philandering convicted tax cheat and convicted liar Iraqi war criminal crossed the Orand Pustule Hitler and now beg understanding. Your very life proves there is no god: if there were she would have torn your tongue out and thrown it into a pig stye and banished you a the most wretched Iraqi orphanage to the remainder of you natural life. You deserve no communion with any sentient human being. Please find a sword have your wife hold it for you and run upon it. Steal a peppercorn of dignity with your exit.

Most disturbing is Newt doesn’t even see that hes part of the problem. He’s Washington establishment and was the main architect in division and obstruction. When will he be purged and drained out of the swamp??? Instead he’s acting like a mouthpiece for President Pepe.


This is totally fuckin bizarre that two men over the age of 70 are behaving this way. I don’t understand what has happened to our political discourse.


This was just all a big misunderstanding. Newt was using “drain the swamp” as a metaphor for sucking Donald’s dick but as you can see Donald doesn’t want that to stop. Understandable.

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Food porn from the Trump Grill(e), yum…

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When you’re one of the emperor’s ho’s, never ever say he has no clothes.


Nice hair cut, Newton Leroy. But you are still evil.

Gingrich seemed to be responding to the President-elect’s tweet that “someone” had implied he would no longer be using the phase he coined on the campaign trail.

Chiselin’ Trump coined the phrase “drain the swamp” in the same way that I coined the phrase “more money than brains,” which is to say, not at all.

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The joke’s on Gingrich. Chiselin’ Trump’s gonna keep saying “drain the swamp” until Gingrich shuts his piehole and leaves town.

Bold statement.

Gingrich just swallowed shaft balls and nuts.

You know, I am used to seeing our cats lick their own rear ends. But the other day, one of the new kittens, who is into grooming all the time, decided that her fellow young cat needed a good rear end grooming, and merrily went to town on the other cat’s hind quarters.

This is pretty much what Newt reminds me of nowadays.

Seriously, his tongue must be really sore.

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Translation: we consider it efficacious for people to think we’re draining the swamp while we rob people blind.

The new Giuliani?

Why is this opportunistic douchebag considered “relevant” by the media???

Remember, having “criminal traitors” have to “confess” their “crimes” before they are shot is part and parcel of the totalitarian playbook.

In our republican democratic system, in contrast, simply groveling by acolytes who failed to understand the transcendent wisdom the Great Leader’s statements may be sufficient to prevent their arrest, torture and execution, though they may be deprived of the privilege of viewing Their Leader’s face in person for some time.

Oh, Newtie, how far you have sunk!

Newt - the Bill Kristol of the Republican Party. Always wrong.

Yes- I was trying to figure out why his response made me cringe so much. You nailed it. Shows you how little self respect Gingrich really has. Sad!