One fake case undoes hundreds of cases of the real thing - shame on Jussie for trying to highlight himself in this way instead of just speaking out and helping real everyday victims of this kind of hate.
His description of the attack sounded too “good” to be true. Rang my alarm bells immediately. In the vast scheme of things, it’s a minor event, but it doesn’t do minority rights any favors. Human beings are sometimes unfathomably complex.
Ya gotta wonder
How stupid?
On what planet did you think you would get away with it?
Your career was sagging , now it’s over.
The worst part is you fueled the Fake News contingent , with some actual fake news
Such a stupid young man. I think he’s probably off the show now!
I just bought an online course about my own work and if the parts about getting new business and retaining current clients say anything about committing felonies I’m demanding my money back.
Buh bye career! There’s nothing left now.
Why, dude? Just, why???
Being a Chicagoan, I thought the whole story sounded fishy from the beginning because Chicago is most definitely NOT “MAGA Country”.
Not sure if his career is over. Think “Oliver North”. “G Gordon Liddy”. “Dinesh D’Souza”. Felons who parlayed their treason and/or crime into lucrative gigs. Smollett is an idiot for doing this, but it’ll blow over in the next news cycle.
Considering he already has a record for giving police false information, this was just monumentally stupid on his part … and I agree, the real tragedy is the harm this does to all the true victims out there.
I recall people saying Rush Limbaugh was toast when we learned years ago his housekeeper was getting him “pain killers”. Now he’s an advisor to the POTUS.
What the fuck was he thinking?
I don’t see much of a RWNJ Welfare state for black gay men.
A culture and world view based on martyrdom creates enough incentives that people might want to fake something like this…
I’m thinking of the Women’s Marches that devolved into arguments about who’s the bigger victim and who’s most oppressed.
To see victimhood on parade, check out Breitbart.
Truly Sad !
I’ll take refuge in Obama’s words of wisdom ***“You don’t need eight women around you twerking”***, as an antidote to this latest American psycho-drama.
…that imagery made me spew-out my coffee in giggles …and block out Smollett.
MAGA warrior arrested after investigation. He was looking to kill every liberal he could due to his extremist right wing beliefs.
Actor lies about attack on him self, Trump goes apoplectic, demanding an apology to his MAGA warriors.
Jussie Smollett is not a danger to me, and never was. Trump is the head of a Republican Death Cult.
But I will go first: I’m sorry you got elected using russia’s help, Mr “President “.
Dems not so Much
See: Franken, Al