Discussion: Judith Miller Accuses Journos Of Drinking Trump Kool-Aid Without Any Hint Of Irony

If I never see or hear that woman’s name again until the day I die, I will die a happier person.

Can’t say anymore or I’ll vomit. Sorry.


Hah. very nicely done.

Anyone, ANYONE, can get a job with Faux Nooz as long as they are willing to spout the party line. It doesn’t matter whether you have credentials or not, whether you’ve led an exemplary or disgraceful life, whether you are well-informed or a complete ignoramus. As long as you say what they want to hear, you’re hired.


No, not anyone. At least, not any female.

Fox News has age and appearance standards that women must meet to be hired.

Judith Miller gets a pass on age and gets spotted a few appearance points for:
a) being an instrumental tool in the neo-con con, and
b) having a Pulitzer Prize (note the order of importance).

Still, she would not be appearing if she were as seriously unattractive as Bill O’Reilly.

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I don’t think b) figures in at all over on the clowny Faux Nooz channel.

I think she could get a better drink than ML straight from a horse’s bladder. Good enough for “Poison Pen” Miller.

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Thomas Friedman has three Pulitzers and has never had a truly original idea in his entire life. Prizes for mainstream American journalism are pretty meaningless.

Speaking of justice, I am still mystified that she hasn’t yet been extradited to the Islamic State.

Most of that paragraph is accurate. It’s only the “found to be based on faulty intelligence” part that is completely inadequate/wrong.

But that inaccuracy changes the meaning of the rest of it quite a bit.

Rhodes, an architect of the Obama administration’s campaign to sell the Iran nuclear deal, says that job was made easier by the fact that few news organizations have the resources to fact-check their claims. Rhodes’ warning about the media being asleep at the wheel… “what happens when the next person tries to do this and tries to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to sell something that is not in the nation’s interest?”

Dear Katherine Krueger, your article comes away with the implication that “an architect” of the Iran nuclear deal thinks they were selling something to the nation that’s not in our best interest, or at least equating the marketing of faulty intelligence on the invasion of Iraq with the marketing of the Iran treaty. Considering we now know as fact the Bush/Cheney Administration were fabricating lies to justify their actions, that’s a pretty big suggestion about the Iran nuclear deal, especially when no one has made that case… do you know something we don’t?


Speaking of knowing nothing, Miller was discredited because she was in Scooter Libby’s back pocket while we he worked as part of Dick Cheney’s White House to smear Valerie Plame’s husband Joe Wilson.


You know, in a political system that allows Al D’amato to run an ethics investigation pretty much nothing should be surprising.


Despite her rancid past, Judy Miller is not wrong about this.

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So says the bush/rove/cheney kool-aid drinker…by the gallon.

She’s right, and she would know.

She helped create the know-nothing stenographer-to-the-powerful school of journalism that she rails against. She is a hideous gorgon. In a just universe she would be writhing and twitching, consumed in spasms of terminal shame.

Who can explain how Cheney and Miller came out from under the rock on the same day. Curious.

And she’s been laughing at us ever since.

A rape victim NEVER fully escapes the trauma. Theft and robbery victims NEVER get the time and labor back that they spent to get the things that were stolen. Homeless people can’t get housing because they can’t save up the first and last month’s rent and security deposit, and they have to do that because landlords have been burnt too often by deadbeats who skip out. Even the pettiest crime carries a long tail. What we sentence people to is a reasonable penalty intended to deter, but don’t think that “pays their debt.”