Discussion: Judicial Nom With Record Hostile To Voting Rights Moves Closer To Confirmation

“U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.” Is there a more anti-democratic area of the country? They almost deserve this ass-hat, but it becomes a base from which they can launch volleys at the Constitution.


Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Republicans’ only African American in the Senate…didn’t show up until nearly an hour after the vote was called to support advancing Farr.

Another Profile In GOP Cowardice.


Vice President Mike Pence was at the Capitol Thursday to break a 50-50 tie on moving Farr’s nomination forward.

It*s funny how Pencey is ALWAYS there to make a casting vote for the Perverts .

Another shout out to the “Trump and Clinton are exactly the same” crowd.

No, you never get to be forgiven, so suck it up, buttercups.


There is always a home for the Southern & Northern professional racists in today’s GOP. Same as it ever was since the Southern Strategy was invented from Satan’s spit and polish.

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This sentence is misinformation and inaccurate. Senator Tim Scott voted to advance the nomination after making his fellow Rat Fucking GOP Brethren wait for an hour. But he voted YES, on what he claims is only a procedural vote. He gave no indication of his intended vote prior to the vote. And, presumably, no indication on his intended vote in the full Senate vote. But he fucking voted for Farr. Just in case anyone around here doubts that every single Dixie-GOP elected official, cabinet official, agency administrator and GOP political appointee is part of an evil entity that really must be stamped out.

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