Discussion: Judge Tosses Grimes Lawsuit Over McConnell 'Election Violation' Mailer

Discussion for article #229658

I’m shocked! shocked!


Voters are not stupid nor so easily intimidated

Um, excuse me, this IS the USA we are talking about.


If this had happened 1 week before and Grimes got out her own exact mailers to GOP areas I wonder what the judge would say? Of course then another judge would hear it and say it was an abomination. The two judges would then have to arm wrestle for the final verdict … right after the election. Ah well at least the precedence has been set and the Dems can use this next time, on a massive scale I hope.

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The McConnelling will continue unabated.


I very much hope to see Grimes defeat McConnell, but to be honest this mailer looks no different from the zillion other sleazy mailers that both parties have put out over the years. So I’m not surprised by the judge’s decision.


Resist the temptation to float false equivalence. “Election violation” is a dog whistle that says people who vote overwhelmingly Democratic are fraudulent.

No Democrat runs on the idea that GOP voters are criminal.


She needs to take her case to the Justice Department…though it won’t be dealt with until after the election. The US Postal Service also has a fraud department. She should avail herself of action by filing a mail fraud complaint as well if she hasn’t already. At least fines would be levied if she prevails. Oh…and fuck this judge. One that is no doubt a big campaign contributor to the McTurtle campaign we’ll later find out, I’m sure, though it would be nice to find out ahead of the election just for the sake of it.


Number 1: It is KY
Number 2: It is Mitch McConnell
Number 3: It is standard MO…release it too late to do anything about it. Usually the courts wait until after election day to ignore it, but in KY, you want to clear the slate early.

The only way to change all of this (and it will never happen for obvious reasons) is to make it a federal penalty to distribute clearly erroneous information about poll dates, times and locations in an election.

This stuff has NOTHING to do with proof reading (I do it for a living, and if you are actually doing it, you check all details including calling phone numbers listed to make sure they go to the right spot and double checking addresses and double checking hours and dates).

But in this case (and it happens over and over and over, election after election) it is done with malice (and friendly courts) aforethought.

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Is there anyone in American politics more disgusting that McConnell? he makes my skin crawl.

When I look at a picture of McTurtle I feel like I am going to throw up.

It would almost be worth it to lose the senate only to see McConnell lose…almost.

What else would you expect? More proof that judges have simply become rubber stamps for the Republican Party!

…dumb, fearful voters----

an intended consequence of decades of effort by the KochFunded NeoCons,and MegaCircusChurches.

Malignorant, Gawd-fearing folks are so easy to manipulate.