New York is gunning for you, Donald. You’ve disgraced us.
I’ve laughed more today than I have in a long time…
Mexican judge says I’m not serious. That’s a fake judge! Need to investigate Ramos now! #MAGA.
But it’s Reality TV serious…
Your’s is great…but I’m stuck on Ralph’s Colliding Trains…
Which just goes to show that there are serious ramifications to playing at the law without sufficient knowledge of it. Making rabble-rousing speeches before crowds of crazed supporters requires a, ahem, considerably more shallow level of understanding of issues than making arguments in a Federal Court.
Trump’s lawyers argued that Trump had broken the law as a private individual and not as President (so far as they knew) and Congress had no business investigating him, because Trump had already paid off all the right people.
We’re all playing for second place here.
I’m going to guess that John Roberts is not going to let covering up for Trump be the legacy of his Court. I could be wrong, and I guess Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, and Bart O’Kavanaugh could go there … but Roberts would only if Trump has something on him like he did on Kennedy’s son. I could even see 6-3 or 7-2 with the Supremes. They’ve got their jobs. They don’t need Trump anymore.
I can’t be the only one reading this as a message aimed not so much at Trump’s lawyers, but at a certain dude in a black robe whose name starts with “R”.
What a bad day for Donnie. Focus on the two court decisions against him this week, not his failed political stunt this morning with the “surprise” press conference and meeting walk-out.
Can’t wait for the court decisions to lead to document release. When do we think that will be?
“The private attorney representing Trump at the hearing — Patrick Strawbridge of Consovoy McCarthy Park — stammered as he attempted to respond to an initial volley of questions from Ramos.”
Ah…the vaunted “Hominahominahomina” defense.
Always a judicial crowd-pleaser.
Only the best!
If you think today was unhinged, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Shit, this is the guy that can tell the military to attack Iran. Why am I laughing?
Remember what Branford said before the Sting Concert in Paris:
Interviewer: “Are you nervous?”
Branford: “Nervous? No I’m not nervous…I’m a jazz musician. I’m used to playing shit no one wants to hear.”
Depends whether the stuff gets fast-tracked before the Supremes take summer recess, whether they reject it and let the appeals court ruling stand, or they take it. If they take it, then whether they do an expedited hearing now, wait for the fall with a quick ruling, or just put it on the fall docket for decision next spring…
MAGA-Mexicans Always Get Across.
(Saw that in pic where a Mexican guy had that on his T-shirt)
Is it possible that the Supreme(s) covering this Federal district can hear it before the start of next session and make a ruling?