Discussion: Judge Takes Misconduct Claims In Census Case Seriously But Won't Rush It

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Yeah, another case of GOP fraud and other crimes is no big deal?


Yep, it’s becoming a pattern. Let’s see how long it takes for Trump to shoot someone in Fifth Avenue.


No rush at all, as Roberts will provide the critical fifth vote to preserve white republican supremacy regardless of any actual facts.


Yet another example of the win-at-any-cost approach of the GOP which they flaunt before everyone all the while claiming that their opponents are the ones acting “political”.

What we will find out from SCOTUS soon is whether they conservatives in the body will accept any pretense offered by their benefactors to obscure blatantly political (and unconstitutional) motives. I’d say that if that turns out to be the case, the next time the Ds have control of Congress and the presidency, they pack SCOTUS with honest jurists who will strike down all of the politically-motivated rulings of their predecessors, and restore not just the “rule of law” (since laws can be distorted), but re-establish truth and justice in our judicial system.


Perhaps smart advocates can ask the Supreme Court to remand the census case to lower court for further evidentiary hearings and testimony on the new explosive documents? They can also request the Court leave in place the stay on adding the question. This lets the matter be fully addressed in the lower court since it could blow up the Trump regime’s flimsy rationale on adding the citizenship question, and prevent it from being asked in the 2020 census.

I welcome comments from fellow lawyers on this idea.


He’s an Obama appointee. Obviously, a jurist in the Mueller vein, who believes no one will take advantage of the law or exploit any lies because 
 it’s just not the right thing to do, right, judge? We’re all honorable people? Quaint.


So they can all bail on their responsibility to decide the gop is a criminal Enterprise?

The coward’s way out sounds good to me if they don’t get the question added to the census.


When the Republicans and their judges basically dismantle any and all confidence in the census system and voting districts, the entire Democracy becomes a dead system.

Empires usually implode from within
under Trump and the Republicans under Bush through to today have pretty destroyed the US rule of law, the integrity of the voting system, and a court loaded with white right wing operatives.

What will be the only choice left to the people when the Republicans debase everything? It doesn’t take much to see that a people’s revolution will be the only way to stop them from destroying our once proud Democracy. The Democrats like Obama and Pelosi and Schumer aren’t fighters.


Another example of why Josh needs to rethink the logical conclusion of his purportedly anti-impeachment editorial. The courts aren’t always going to side with you. Yes there are some very good judges in the system, but the overall system is now rigged at the top to the conservatives. The travel ban decision should tell you this. We won at every level except at SCOTUS.

If the goal is ‘action’ why would you be afraid of impeachment? In fact, you should want it because you’re putting the burden on the GOP to defend a crook. That’s not going to hurt the Dems in a general election. It burdens purple state GOPers with a toxic nominee. How many GOPers in not deep red states actually campaigned with Trump in 2018? No House candidates that’s for sure.


It will be delayed long enough that the Supremes won’t have enough time to rule before the 2020 election. All part of the GOPee plan.


Speaking of misconduct


Ivanka Trump, the Norma Desmond for the 21st Century

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If determining misconduct over this isn’t urgent, then neither is the census question.

We can decide this for 2030. Congress will still be here.


Well, there is one actual fact that matters to Roberts



This is probably the right decision, the judge really can’t rush the process on something like this, and even a rushed process would likely not get an opinion out before the end of the month when the SC will have made the decision. And, even if the process doesn’t get the information up to them, it’s still going to be out in public, and this will weigh on them
if the SC decides to let this pass, and then Furman’s trial shows that they knew all along and blatantly lied about their intent in putting the question on the Census, then their decision will look very foolish and partisan. You can bet that RBG will call any decision preliminary in light of the new evidence of malfeasance by GOP operatives that hasn’t been fully evaluated, and that’s right on the money.

The entire thing is going to come down to how Roberts views the SC reputation and the hit it will take if it follows through with the Census question. This puts more pressure on him
it’s now an open question, with pretty damning evidence behind it, and in any other case the SC would kick it back to the lower courts for more work. I have a sinking feeling that Roberts will allow the question, and the new evidence would not really matter even if it was presented in a new argument
Republicans need the question to try to stay relevant in the next decade (through cheating), and Roberts will help that in any way he can. The thing is that the entire process is now tainted, if Democrats can take over they will have a far better excuse to ignore all of this, pass new laws, and either ignore or reshape the SC to make it about justice again.


I think in composition class they call this a recurring theme.


Not a lawyer, but the main issue is the time crunch. They apparently have to finalize the census printing by the end of June in order to get them all out in time to be delivered next year, so if the SC defers, that leaves the question open past the deadline. I guess it would depend on how drop dead the date is.

But if the SC doesn’t rule on it this term, then they wouldn’t rule on it until after the census is supposed to be completed. So the end of June is either a literal or practical deadline that would be bad to miss.

In the opera, it will be the leitmotif.


I thought the last decision by the district court was not to allow the question. If the SC doesn’t decide this term, then the district court decision could be honored until the SC could decide or stayed to allow the question. Right?

The SC has to pick a winner no matter what.


OT but I gotta post this because even though I never used fetal tissue in my work this article shows the shortsighted stupidity when politics gets in the way of actual evidence based science. This show cases why I chose to retire.

If someone dies from polio blame trump
If someone dies from HIV blame trump
If someone dies from any disease prevented with a vaccine 
blame trump.
My work was about preventing Ovarian Cancer. The powers that be thought it not something worth doing.
Yeah, I admit to being bitter.
As Monty Python said “every sperm is sacred”.