Discussion: Judge Slaps Alex Jones With Sanctions In Sandy Hook Hoax Lawsuit

When the judge is finished slapping him with sanctions, I would like to slap him the old fashioned way. Line forms behind me.


I just came here to say that.

Maybe we should sit up a slapping booth and raise money for the Sandy Hook families.


That would be a treat.
One can dream.


Now Jones can no longer file motions to dismiss the suit

Thatā€™s some pretty limp-assed sanctioning right there. How about banning media appearances, and restricting internet use to activity persuant to his defense? Home detention? Travel restrictions? No more than 2 rants per day?


Nobody would ask for their change. We could raise millions!

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Civil suit. Canā€™t detain him, canā€™t restrict his travel or other movements.

It would be different if this were a criminal trial. Wait for itā€¦


Thank you. The judge also awarded attorney and court fees for the plaintiffs in dealing with the on-air threats. I guess that was the max sanction available.


Letā€™s see ā€¦ thereā€™s somebody else who thinks quite highly of himself and thinks heā€™s untouchable who needs to learn that inflammatory words have consequences. Now, what was his name? I know itā€™s a name I wish would go into obscurity.


If he is sending child porn over the internet that is illegal. To send it to an opposing attorney is down right stupid.

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Was Jones in the Marine Corps? If he wasnā€™t donā€™t insult Jarheads.

And this is State not Federal. Your favorite Con Man can not pardon your assteroids.

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not positive but I feel sure you donā€™t get to threaten opposing counsel with bodily harm - whether or not itā€™s contrary to a gag order - and walk away unscathed. And I read that he did more than is detailed here.


Like a gorilla.

apparently Jonesā€™ lawyers never reviewed the emails recā€™d from public but produced them in discovery.


Thank you Cristina, the connection to TPM reporters is appreciated.

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Until we know who sent the emails and why, we cannot clear Jones from deliberately forwarding.them to plaintiffā€™s lawyers. Given Jonesā€™ lack of probity I am.having trouble believing that Jones did not adequately proof the emails they sent to plaintiff"s lawyers
His own lawyers do not know how to run a search function on emails?

Jones is like a squid emitting ink to confuse the situation.
He was foolish if he thought the Judge would buy the claim that the plaintiffs were blackmailing him on the basis of something he sent them.

And he has been emoting all over the Internet but now that he is under the bright lights the cockroach needs to rethink his pattern of calling for violence


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Alex.


So the plaintiffs clearly stated that the porn had been sent TO Jones, and Jonesā€™ response is to accuse them of doing it, rather than saying ā€œThanks for the heads up. Letā€™s trace it back and figure out who sent it.ā€ I realize ā€œThanksā€ is not in Jonesā€™ vocabulary as a right wing radio hack, but you would think he and his lawyers would show more sense while in court.

This also begs the question on why a Jones audience member would be inclined to send Jones kiddie porn, but I realize stupid fans everywhere send all kinds of crazy messages or items.

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I think the fundamental problem is that we live in a world of performance art. I can name a dozen characters from the last 20 years whose livelihoods depend on manufacturing outrage in a subset of the community. Those community members, lacking any discernible critical thinking skills, are proudly vocal and are able to move what should be responsibly ignored into the mainstream - Trump is the apex of this ā€œmovementā€. But like the dog that finally catches the car; what do you do when you catch it? None of there people were serious in the first place, just trying to make a buck, and with newbies pressing from below, the only way you can keep your share of the market is to turn the rhetoric up to 11. Well, this is what happens. Now with these radio yakkers it really doesnā€™t matter, but what happens when the artificial president is thrown into a honest-to-goodness national crisis? He isnā€™t capable of solving any problems on his own and no one with a lick of sense or integrity will work for him, so what happens? Performance art might put food on the table or pay your attorneys, but simply is no substitute for thoughtful, intelligent leadership. End of lament.


You realize sheā€™s the reporter who wrote the story, right?

ETA: Oh, you probably mean that itā€™s good to have a reporter weigh into the comments section to clarify something. I agree.