Discussion: Judge Rejects GOP Maine Rep's Request To Halt Vote Count

Republican U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin: another Republican, another fascist.

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REPUGS did challenge and lost that one also.


The district court judge who made this ruling, Lance Walker, was appointed to the federal bench by L. Louis Leftykind Leffowicz Libtard Progfrog IV, alias Donald J. Trump.

I think TOADUS and the GOP do not have a complete understanding of how law schools indoctrinate their students into the most gigantic conspiracy since fluoridated water compromised our precious bodily fluids, the Rule of Law.

TOADUS now will have to tweet out a suspension of the Rule of Law until Toad Hall can figure out what the hell is going on.


And Golden has won in Maine’s 2nd District!

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If Ranked Choice/Instant Runoff is unconstitutional, then so are all runoff elections.


How many flipped House seats does this make it?

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Incoming Governor Mills has stated that she wants to amend the state Constitution to allow for RCV across all elections (state and federal). The complaint by Poliquin (and the separate request for a temporary restraining order that was denied yesterday) is in Federal Court because it implicates the U.S. Constitution and federal election law more than state law.

Poliquin’s suit on the broader implications of RCV is still live. All briefing (from SoS, Dems, etc.) is due on the matter by the end of the first week in December. All the same, given Walker’s ruling on the TRO, I wouldn’t expect much to change after a full hearing of the evidence.