In her two-page letter, she described the pain of Blagojevich’s absence and how he has missed the graduations and piano recitals of the couple’s children — Annie, and an older daughter, Amy.
I've always thought committing a crime and going to prison entailed your family's loss of your participation in their daily lives.
What pleas does an only-child bachelor forward to a judge; a person with no children, deceased parents and no other living immediate relatives missing his companionship and time?
I thought this was way overkill. I followed this case and I couldn’t believe he got 14 years. I didn’t come away with any clear understanding of what he actually did wrong. I know what they accused him of and I know that he’s a blustery fool, but when you listen to the phone calls they used to ‘prove’ he was selling the seat, I thought it screamed reasonable doubt. I’m all about sticking it to deceitful politicians, but 14 years is a bit much when people like Duke Cunningham get eight years for accepting $2.4 million in bribes. It doesn’t make much sense to me.
Lifetime douchebaggery exacts a penalty. Crying what you’ve earned in penance is disproportionate to your deeds is weak tea. Maybe reining in your douchebaggery before observers reached for the ax was advisable.
Not gonna happen. Rod will be enjoying Colorado for the rest of his sentence.
Last time I checked, douchebaggery wasn’t in the penal code. I’m not saying he didn’t deserve some time, but murderers get less with time served.
Bernie Madoff didn’t kill anyone. He was sentenced to 150 years. Effectively life, for financial crimes. You don’t have to kill someone to spend many, many years behind bars. Often all the years you have left. Sucks to be a crook. Sucks to be Blagojevich.