I enjoy your assumptions. You should make more of them.
you know you said that to yourself, right?
Well, once Scalia started phrasing his findings in Shakira lyrics, the floodgates were opened…
Every generation seems to think their music is the best. Enjoy what music you enjoy and don’t worry about what music other people enjoy.
'Cause the plantiff’s gonna sue, sue, sue, sue
But the judge’ll say you lose, lose, lose, lose.
Yep, I messed up.
There goes my long standing claim to infallibility.
“So it goes.” - Linda Ellerbee
…Yeah, because it’s impossible with music collections that are thousands of songs large that we listen to a variety of music, some complex and others a surging single note of euphoria, some contemporary, and some not-so.
I dunno, it could have been positive reinforcement, right?
And your point?