Discussion for article #242781
Really? We have to read about Taylor Swift in TPM now? Give me a break. Please.
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Readers gonna read, read, read
Commenters gonna com, com (oops, sorry, that doesn’t work)
Whenever something like this happens: a recently graduated clerk is responsible.
Long, long after she is dust and her music has been forgotten we will still have Bach and Mozart.
Whiners gonna whine, whine, whine?
I find the judge’s use of Swift’s lyrics to be amusing, but I would really like to know the legal theory.
I agree. The clerks often start in the late summer. What I find interesting is that a Magistrate Judge is handling a motion to dismiss. In the past, motions to dismiss were handled by the District Judge in the first instance, not a Magistrate. But, I guess things have changed.
Who’s Taylor Swift? For that matter, who the hell is Paul McCartney?
Yeah, that raised my eyebrows too.
From the magistrate’s twitter bio. “Military vet – USAF F-16 Flight Test Engineer; MIT Man-Vehicle Lab; Former AUSA; Cancer survivor (since 2006); Bike nut;”
And probably all outta fucks.
So proud that I don’t recognize the lyrics used.
The best and easiest way to make money Today’s America:
Don’t work for it, don’t create it, don’t dream and then do
Just sue somebody.
“Sue somebody”
(inspired by Teresa Piercey-Gates)
Are you almost disgusted with life, little man?
I’ll tell you a wonderful trick
That will bring you contentment, if anything can -
Sue somebody for something, quick!
Are you awfully tired with play, little girl?
Wearied, discouraged, and sick?
I’ll tell you the loveliest trick in the world,
Sue somebody for something, quick!
Though it rains like the rain of the flood, little man,
And the clouds are forbidding and thick,
You can make the sun shine in your soul, little man,
Sue somebody for something, quick!
Though the stars are like brass overhead, little girl,
And the walks like a well-heated brick,
And our earthly affairs in a terrible whirl,
Sue somebody for something, quick!
By: Teresa Piercey-Gates
Copyright © 2000 by Teresa “WolfPoet” Piercey-Gates
(Used with apologies, in the spirit of good fun to defend creative people everywhere)
I can’t answer the first part, but the answer to the second part is this. McCartney is the guy Harry Nilsson wanted to be. That’s how out of it I am, still listening to Nilsson in the 21st century.
You’re out of it for good reason, littlegirlblue, imho. Contemporary popular music sucks in general, imho. All formulaic vapidness with dancing thug backlines to distract the listeners from the inanity.
I saw this on a music forum:
I feel sad for the kids today,
Their minds set adrift
When they wake up and realize their Joni Mitchell
Is only Taylor Swift.
So true I had to laugh.
Swift’s music makes my ears hurt, but I’ve been told that she has been calling her own shots since she was in her late teens. If true, she has some amazing business smarts.
I love this! I also respect Taylor Swift’s business acumen and sing along to her music in the car. I’m 51.
[quote=“TwoWolves, post:6, topic:28904, full:true”]
Long, long after she is dust and her music has been forgotten we will still have Bach and Mozart. - TwoWolves
[/quote]… and long after commenter TwoWolves is dust and his/her writing has been forgotten, we will still have, uh, say, Shakespeare. Do you have a point, or just a need to sound pretentious? I’ve probably performed in public more Bach than you have heard in your (young?) life, and I am still amenable to hearing aspiring or well-liked popular performers. Give Swift a break, and treat yourself to something less weighty than Bach once in a while.
From the Department of Shit That Isn’t News…