Yeah, but without checking their exact stats it seems to me that 15,000 people were covered by that one polling station. Any guarantee that the 2 others will get equitable resources, be available by public transportation, not have mysterious power outages or state police roadblocks which “just happen to be checking insurance” on the next block over?
OK, Josh… Why am I seeing more and more ‘articles’ from the AP listed as stories posted on TPM? I am an 80-year -old subscriber who was attracted by the independent journalism offered by TPM! I even subscribed to Prime early on in order to help fund that independence.
I can get AP stories everywhere and have always been turned off by their mantra of attempted equal ‘both-sides’ when stories are seldom equal.
I do not know about who wrote this completely confusing headline but I hope it wasn’t by any of my favorite authors at TPM. If you need to increase my Prime subscription just tell me and I will respond. Just don’t use any of my dollars to run AP articles!!
Old Texan.
Q: How many commenters does it take to screw TPM?
A: All of them.
I hope that TPM didn’t write that AP headline…
It’s okay to think about AP while doing it, but very bad to slip up and say “AP” out loud.
Welp, totally off-topic, but Mueller basically just told the court in DC that somehow Russia seems to have gotten hold of documents produced to defense counsel in the Concord case, altered them and released them through a fake hacker front in an effort to discredit Mueller.
The file structure of the documents “leaked” by the “hackers” establishes that they had been stored in a Relativity database when the Russians “acquired” them. Evidently, the Russians didn’t realize the significance of this, i.e. that they had been uploaded to industry-specific litigation document management software. The government, and the SCO don’t use Relativity. The inference it came from defense counsel, in violation of the protective order entered by the Court, in inescapable, though all the SCO is doing is using it to oppose Concord’s motion for its lawyers to be allowed to share documents deemed classified or confidential with it in Russia.
The claim that the polling site was moved because of construction was an out right lie as has been documented by several news organizations. The republicans are simply immoral.