Discussion: Judge Delays Ruling On WH's Press Ban On Acosta

Well, he is a Trump judge, after all. He is probably waiting for a transcript that has been translated into Crayon.


This case is a slam dunk. Direct binding D.C. Circuit ruling that says Acosta/CNN wins, plus DOJā€™s brief make some crazy arguments. I donā€™t see any reason for a delay, and it concerns me that this ā€ ŠÆā˜­mp appointed judge is looking for some way to try to help out ā€ ŠÆā˜­mp , pay for his federalist supported position with a few pieces of silver.


Little Timmie Kelly has always been a bit of a servile fraidy cat shit, which is why he transferred from Main Justice crim division to internal ethics.

I can only surmise the Judge is expecting Trump or SHS to extend an olive branch (a pretext) by which Acosta regains access? I suppose that would make the lawsuit moot and prevent Trump from piling up yet another loss.


I donā€™t understand this article. Did he delay the ruling until Thursday morning (Today?) or from this week to next Thursday? Whatā€™s the story?

B-, rewrite please.

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Follow-up story https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/whca-urges-court-reject-trump-position-cnn-suit says judge will rule Friday morning. In a world topsy turvey, easy to forget what day it is!


Why the delay? Everyone saw the very very valid video of Acosta putting the intern in a choke hold, dragging her across the room and then breaking both her legs. What is there to dispute? And why isnā€™t the journassaulter in jail??

/yes this is snark and no Iā€™m not making light of actual violence, just the WHs attempt to paint Acosta as someone who assaulted the internšŸ˜•


Well I hear she did break a fingernail which ruined her manicure, so thereā€™s that.

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If you need to find His Honor youā€™ll find him up Trumpā€™s fat ass.

Given that CNN is not banned, I think itā€™s a weak case, but Iā€™d love to be wrong.

PS: Once again the WH Press Association shows itself to be impotent and useless.

Clearly, the Heritage Foundation needs a little more time to write Judge Kellyā€™s decision. The opportunity to shred the press freedom provision of the First Amendment is an important one for the right, and they donā€™t want to waste it.

Meanwhile, Kelly will have plenty of good company on the bench. Mitch McConnell is pushing forward two stunningly, openly racist ā€œTrump nomineesā€ (read: Charles Koch nominees) to the federal bench, the arch-segregationist and anti-voting rights activist Thomas Farr, and Chuck Grassleyā€™s boy Jonathan Kobes.

Jim Acosta really missed a golden opportunity. He should have body-slammed the intern. Then he would have been Chiselinā€™ Trumpā€™s ā€œkind of guy.ā€