Discussion: Judge Considers Whether Man Should Be Forcibly Medicated To Face Terror Charge

Discussion for article #241157

Well that one takes more than one look. It seems they can prosecute him without medicating him but want to debrief him as well. The information the are seeking via forced medication doesn’t seem related to prosecution. Its part of the ‘war on terrorism’ they are fighting with the medications. I think the Judge to tell them to shove off. Put the asshole in jail and use conventional methods to get information from him.

Is the government request is as crazy as it sounds.? I have no background on this case, so the request sounds really crazy just from this article. A man accused of violating the law, presumably while psychotic, would be forced to take antipsychotic meds so he could be tried while not psychotic, and, gee, since he just happens to be on antipsychotic meds, we are going to do some interrogating.

If that is roughly accurate, I am with RichinJax: keep the criminal courts out of the business of intelligence gathering and make the medication decision without consideration of the intelligence request.