Matt Bevin is requiring Kentucky census workers to do their door-to-door duties when it’s -26 degrees outside. Always walking uphill. While fighting off rabid dogs. Builds character.
While Grimm was appointed by Obama, he is a right down the line guy, who was formally a JAG (Military) Judge. What he is seeing, is what is happening, which is the Census is a total mess, designed that way by Wilbur Ross to under-count Democratic voters. We are at banana republic level of fraud and intentional incompetence with what Ross is doing with the census.
At some point the House D (soon hopefully) will have to do some serious oversight, and exposure Wilbur Ross’s fraud.
And note, that their are so many of these cases popping up that Roberts is highly unlikely to give Trump, and his criminally fraudulent Commerce Secretary Wilbur “let them take out a loan” Ross, a pass on a highly political issue where he will have his reputation and the Court’s ended by interfering.
Geez, you know the R’s hate the courts.
the nation’s first-ever digital census
This is the first I’ve heard that the 2020 census will be digital.
Does that really seem wise, given Russia’s successful cyber-attacks on American political operations in the 2016 election? Even if we grant that Russia never hacked election systems, I believe it’s already been admitted in court that Russians did hack the DNC and HRC’s campaign.
Given that, and the fact that Trump has hamstrung our cyber defenses*, is there even a shred of an argument that it’s smart to enlarge our attack surface??
If someone picks the lock on your gym locker, you don’t move all your valuables into that locker.
- I forget the name of the guy who got booted, but he was widely respected as an cybersecurity expert and professional non-partisan who was very effective at liaising with state and local government on federal election security.
Kentucky is doing its own Census? Bevin can’t give orders to U.S. Census workers.
You are sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact, Bevin just ordered the 6th Fleet to sail through disputed Chinese waters near Japan. True story.
Good to see the Tenth Amendment in action.
I know, huh! If I promise to eat white bread and bologna washed down with rusty tap water, for a month, he’s promised to buy me a bicycle. But the joke is on him, I love bologna!!!