Discussion: Juan Williams Slams GOP Who 'Flip-Flopped' On Bergdahl In 'Most Craven Way' (VIDEO)

Shep Smith also comes off as rational now and then. Gotta celebrate it when you see it.


We really need to stop feeding the trolls. Trolls cannot be reformed.


Craven /ˈkrāvən/, is when Juan cashes his Fixed News paycheck.

Well, thanks for that. The RWNJs simply declare the Taliban “terrorists” and mostly that goes unchallenged.

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I know. I’m ashamed of myself every time I fall off the wagon.


Rancid Prepuce Chairman of the GOP says they are not flip floping and we know Rancid never lies.

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Don’t be so hard on Juan, he’s our point man behind enemy lines. He can cash his Fux check with a mostly clear conscience.

Won’t make a difference in the bubble-brain audience that watches Faux News. They’re taught early and often to ignore and disregard the only slightly makeshift opinions of Juan Williams on their cable channel. He’s the highly paid “token black guy” on their shows, who’s sold his soul on more than one occasion to tout whatever Faux’s “devil’s advocate shit” they ask him to do, so he can be roundly dismissed…They’ve long since taught their audience to promptly shut him down and ignore his opinion as beneath their consideration.

Is Juan Williams correct? Of course he is. Will it make any difference to their audience? Not one little bit. He’s already damaged goods from waaaay back even if he’s tried on more than one occasion to redeem himself with Faux’s ever increasing racist politicking. Now if Hannity or O’Really had made those same views mainstream on Faux…then that would be something to write home about.


Uh, yes it does…the GOP are all flip-floppers, and you know it

No, the President acted dutifully and legally, and he will do it again.

We don’t run our military or courts based upon how many buddies you have, or how much BBQ and beer you consume.

But you fail to recognize all of this and for that shame on you, Libs.


If I didn’t [k]now better, I’d think the guy with a special camera on Fixed News just for close-ups of him nodding his head in agreement with Bill Kristol and the cat that wrote Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary were two different people.

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There’s plenty of shame to share…I’m obviously guilty by my own judgement. But we can live with that kind of shame now and then. Trolls, on the other hand, live and breath a shameful existence of obfuscation and falsehoods, being loathed and despised without end.


Not so courageous…He gets paid either way. What would be courageous is if he up and quit being a “token black right leaning pawn” (frankly, I see him as being their “token black slightly left leaning pawn”, at least lately, so its all relative) and if he sacrificed the blood money they pay him to be a Roger Ailes token shill. If he was truly conflicted, he wouldn’t allow the cognitive dissonance within himself to continue to resonate while using his position to sell more damaged goods to the public by enabling Faux to intentionally hawk propaganda with him on board. He’d find a way to truly expose the truth of their bullshit political operation, disguised for their sheep as actual news. Now that would be COURAGEOUS!


Did I see George Will nodding to Juan Williams’ noble and gutsy outburst?

Yep. If Juan consistently held rational opinions instead of just occasionally rebelling against particularly egregious RWNJ theories, that would be something, but he doesn’t. He’s on Fox and he belongs there - He gets zero credit from me.


Did Juan ask Nancy Pelosi to borrow a pair?

The Sunday shows are always over represented on the right. In comparison to all the rest, Fox News Sunday isn’t that much worse.

Sort of masochistic when you think about it. I try not to. But mostly they just want to be a pest to strangers they don’t like. That’s a very strange pastime for an adult. I prefer fishing and playing the piano, myself. I’d prefer almost anything, when I think about it.


When you have lost Juan Williams, who is not a liberal, just a toady for Fox News who’s job is to pretend to be liberal and does his job poorly, when you’ve lost him you know you are truly lost yourself.


A riddle that answers itself.


See Juan,there are no “HIP WADERS” high enough.