Discussion: Jordan Doubles Down That Abuse Reports Are Attacks From Left: I Find It ‘Suspect’

It may very well be an attack from the left…doesn’t mean it’s not true.

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Point taken and I appreciate your clarifying. You are right, my characterization of the disorder in this specific situation was inaccurate. This is a disorder of a different kind.


Everybody trying to cover their wrong-doing tries to blame others. He’s imitating his fake President.

Well it is a university - duh!

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I think the doctor was rolling balls in his hand.

what I would pay to see this douchebag deny the allegations by the wrestlers on stage to their faces

no way he possesses the courage to do such a thing

I would hope they would twist his head in to balloon animals.

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“I guess I would like to think the reason you see the left coming after me and lies being told is because we’re being effective in doing what we told the American people we’re doing and I also think it has something to do with the fact that I think President Trump is doing a great job and we’re trying to support and help him make America great again,” he continued.

Yeah, Jimmy boy, I feel ya. it’s like a guy can’t turn a blind eye to rape any more…


This is slightly reminiscent of when the execrable Bill Donahue of the Catholic League blamed “The Sixties” for priest pedophilia and the Church hierarchy cover-ups.


The ex-team wrestler who went to OSU about this said ‘he’ was led to it by the !METOO movement.


I’m waiting for him to go all Ross Douthat and blame Hefner and the sexual revolution.


The Pope himself was saying (behind the scenes of course) that American culture was so steeped in sexuality that the kids were “seducing” those poor priests.

I am discussing JP2 who in my belief should not have been put on the rocket docket for sainthood.

Truly, makes me sick.


Yes, his malfeasance regarding the abuse scandal should have postponed sainthood plus his failure to defend laity in South and Central America who believed in liberation theology, some of whom were killed.

“I guess I would like to think the reason you see the left coming after me and lies being told is because we’re being effective in doing what we told the American people we’re doing and I also think it has something to do with the fact that I think President Trump is doing a great job and we’re trying to support and help him make America great again,” he continued."

that is what he would like to think. but he knows it’s because he’s complicit in letting young men be abused,and the continued destruction of democracy in the present. I hope the truth gets a headlock on you Jordan.


a statement made by others and never challenged by the media. good point str. don’t let them frame the narrative

I found it sickening when official Church communiques referenced “temptation” in terms of priests and pedophilia. “Temptation”? Are you kidding me? If ever “Eww!” has meaning it’s here. Any sane grown adult recoils at the sheer grossness of pedophilia - but in the Church hierarchy their collective sexuality is so stunted they can’t even grasp that. I agree with your assessment on putting JP2 on the sainthood fast track. (IMHO The Church still does not grasp what is actual sainthood. Exhibit A: Thomas More. Who had people burned at the stake.) There were many great things about JP2, but he is not a saint. Sorry for going on a bit.

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Best line of the day!

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Yes. And priests who wanted nothing to do with liberation theology were murdered as well. JP2’s response was, to be charitable, disappointing.

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I get my dose of Douthat in my weekend print delivery of the NYT. Between his pre Vatican II Opus Dei musings and my girlfriends moderate America-National Catholic Reporter on the table at her house its full theology.

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I let my subscription to America lapse. I can’t keep up. I (finally) gave up on Douthat after his rank dishonesty / profound ignorance in comparing Trump / North Korea to Jack Kennedy / the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Frankly, just about anyone else in that chair back in '62, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation.)

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