Discussion: Jonah Goldberg: Carson May Be 'More Authentically African-American' Than Obama

I think “whitesplaining” already covers that pretty well.


Jonah Goldberg = Hog gnarled job.

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I can only think that they’re considering Herman Cain’s reception.

Well, Herman Cain drew negative views from a black perspective because he willingly played the non-serious minstrel telling white people what they want to hear for popularity. That did not earn him any confidence or points for authenticity. Still aren’t hardly gonna be any black people for Carson, but that’s because the man’s batshit crazy and his policies are harmful, not because he’s pinging as inauthentic. (At least, minus that crazy-ass Popeye’s story, but that doesn’t come off as ‘bad imitation of Uncle Tom’ inauthentic, that just comes off as ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’).

Back to the good doctor. Sure, Carson’s youngest years of childhood are a little more typical of the common black American life experience. That does not in any way rob the president of being “authentically black” – he’s spent the overwhelming majority of his life in America, being treated as a black American by people of all races. As race is a social construct, ding ding ding, he’s authentically black American. You can’t get more authentic, it’s not like a temperature scale.

One’s social identity is more than the simple sum of its parts, and I would hope that if these guys making these claims were a little more social with people outside their subcultures, they’d understand that. No one’s trying to make this a competition except pro-Carson white folks, honestly, and it should be offensive to every black person, regardless of political affiliation, as well as any American who has ever spent much of their life outside of the Anglophone world.


So what?
Obama is president. The first African-American president.
Carson will never be president.


But what’s remarkable is that at no point in this conversation did anyone call attention to the fact that Carson is an African-American.

yes, I never would have known that if it had not been called attention to. What would we do without you, Captain Obvious?


If Jonah Goldberg says something, you can be guaranteed that it is stupid.


The Doughy Pantload is “More Authentically” douchebag than any other this morning.


Yes, but is Bernie Sanders “More Authentically Jewish” than Jonah Goldberg?


Jonah Goldberg may be “more authentically a pompous prick” than anyone else…


I thought the GOP meme was that Obama was born in Kenya to African muslim parents and shipped to the US to obtain false citizenship and become the first Muslim president from Africa? Is that not the case anymore? Does it not fit in with their current batch of conspiracies? Do they change their so-called “facts” like they change underwear? (assuming they change their underwear, or even wear such contrivances.)


Wait awhile, that question will come up in due course…

Conservatives are always puzzled by the term “white supremacy”. Then they do a bang up job of giving us perfect examples of it.


Yea. . . . . a Jew from the upper west side of Manhattan knows all about the black experience. That’s where I would go . . .


Did Goldberg forget that President Obama was actually BORN in Kenya which is IN Africa!?

Goldberg actually makes a living being this insane!


The classic “Racist” is pretty apt…

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What I think conservatives are trying to say:

Not talking about race is racism, unless it’s because you want to convey the idea that race no longer matters. Talking about racism is racist, unless you are talking about the racism of those who criticize racism.


Obama is half white, but the conservateatards hate him like he’s all black.


Indeed. I’m also a fan of their attempts to essentially tell black people that they are filthy ingrates for supporting Dems, because Lincoln freed them, Eisenhower signed a Civil Rights Act in 1957, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Republicans (untrue of course), the KKK was a wing of the Dem party (also untrue of course) and something something “the Dems give you welfare to keep you dependent.” I really can’t imagine anything more damaging to their “outreach” than these ridiculous lines of attack.


Headline should have been… “Major republican admits Obama not born in Kenya”

As “republican” and “asshole” are interchangeable, feel free to read Headline as you prefer…


What will it mean when more Blacks vote for Hillary than Carson?