Discussion: Jon Stewart Skewers The Media's Hype Over The Ebola Virus

Discussion for article #226043

Yet measles kills 125k people a year, vs less than 5k killed by ebola cumulatively in the history of mankind. Totally preventable with a $20 shot, but we let fucking morons kill their kids and put entire communities at risk by refusing vaccinations based on one falsified ancient study and a has-been b-list actress.

Where’s the panic and outrage over that?


Actually the total from Ebola is about 2500, and 900 of those are from the current outbreak. It’s just not an epidemic disease like people seem to think of it.

Ebola is a very difficult disease to contract, but a killer once contracted. Medical professionals are the folks most at risk. That is how the two American missionary doctors contracted it–working directly with ebola infected patients. It is sort of like rabies except monkeys carry it instead of skunks and bats.

For more context, influenza kills 36K a year in the U.S. alone.
Also, a grammar note. “Media,” are plural. Therefore, the proper usage is “media have,” not “media has.” Seeing this sort of thing is like fingernails on the blackboard for me - and I suspect others. I’ll crawl back under my rock now.

Unless someone is a microbiologist, I am really not interested in hearing their thoughts about Ebola, to be honest. That excludes virtually everyone on TV talking about it.

Also, I tweeted what I just said above yesterday, and one of my followers said “good news, I’m a microbiologist, and I can tell you this Ebola fear is bullshit”