Discussion for article #224324
I couldn’t even pause the damn thing.
What distinguishes the “privileged” is often not their net worth, but rather their ability to generate new income. People like Biden and the Clintons can command huge speaking fees, whereas no one’s willing to shell out a dime to hear my pearls of wisdom. And my last book advance was… well… actually, no one has ever shown any willingness to front me a bunch of cash for something that I might crank out.
It extends to borrowing, as well. Donald Trump can repeatedly drive his businesses into the ground, and declare bankruptcy. Yet somehow, he manages to find bankers who are willing to lend him millions to start up his next doomed venture. On what basis? His track record? Funny, but I have impeccable credit, yet I can’t borrow $1000 unless I have $1000 worth of collateral.
Biden in 2012
Net Worth: From $-875,972 to $326,997
Rank: 12th in
Executive Branch Members
I cannot stand Jon Stewart…
Its all relative isn’t it? Compared to Mitt Romney for example, Joe Biden is a pauper. On the other hand Joe Biden is an extremely wealthy man compared to me.
Are you talking about the ads or the Stewart video, because neither is a problem for me. (I mean the autoplaying.) I don’t have an answer, but I’m curious if others do.
I used to like him but not so much anymore, especially since he feels he has to be fair and balanced
I wondered about that, too. I don’t get autoplays on any of the pages here. The embedded videos are almost never set to autoplay, and I don’t see the advertisements (AdBlock, naturally).
For a guy who has made good money the past 5 years ($200k+ a year), he really hasn’t managed it all too well. But, if Biden doesn’t become president, he’ll retire with a $100k+ a year income and the best medical care available just like the rest of us.
It seems to all stem from this belief of having to appeal to the “common man” to win votes. A practice I’ve never really understood to be honest. You don’t need to be just like me to be good at your job, especially since most jobs aren’t one size fits all.
Ad Block Plus is the solution to the problem.
I’ve tried regular Adblock, (not Plus), and it created a mess for me. (Pages not loading, computer slowing down to a crawl, etc.) But if it works for you…
I use AdBlock Plus in Firefox, AdBlock in Chrome. Lots of naming confusion, but they’re not the same thing.
Greenville, Delaware, where he lives, is locally synonymous with tweedy upper-upper-middle class comfort, on the level of very successful professionals, cardiologists, white-shoe law firm folks. Not one-percenters, that’d be the nearby “Chateau Country” where the du Ponts live. He has no reason to cry poor but he’s not obscenely rich like so many of the people in his world.
Firefox and AdBlock Plus for me, (I just checked), but I’ve got it disabled. But I recently uninstalled a bunch of unused programs, which helped a lot on XP, so maybe I’ll try it again. Thanks!
There’s your problem. I’m guessing that the PC itself is getting pretty long in the tooth, and doesn’t have the horsepower needed to deal with the media-rich pages it’s running into these days.
As far as Biden and Clinton, I don’t consider either of them to be “mega-rich”, (for reference purposes, I happen to be on SSDI, and nothing else), and don’t get at all this need to be be seen as anything other than what they are, which I might call quite well to do, if not fabulously well to do, like some people we may know. “cough” Mitt Romney “cough”
When Clinton and Biden claim to know what it is to be poor and live in poverty, maybe then, just maybe they are totally confused as to the real meaning of those two words.
That’s exactly right. Never - since Bill became Arkansas AG - have the Clintons had to lie awake at night worrying about spending their golden years in a Medicaid-funded nursing home. TPM had an item a few weeks ago about how ABC or one of the other nets paid Chelsea $600K a year to produce a handful of news stories. The rich are always willing to pay the well connected to work those connections.
These kinds of comments make me wonder whether Hillary has the chops to win a national election. Remember, she had like an eight-mile head start in '08 when Obama beat her.
There is a HUGE difference between Net Worth and Savings, etc. I have a friend who owns a lot of land in the Greater Houston Area. Net worth in the millions. BUT, he has little savings, maybe $30K. He gets money and immediately reinvests in things like land or rental property. I would be interested in their net worth.