Discussion: Jon Kyl Will Leave The Senate At End Of December, Setting Up Replacement Appointment

“Gee, I’ve got a great idea. I’ll appoint someone who has already been rejected by the voters!” Today’s G.O.P. at work.


I expect McSally is picking out her office decor and hiring office folk as I type this.

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“Poor diluted fellow.”


Call up my deleted post.
As an Arizona resident i like the idea of being part if Mexico
I mistakenly replied to @franquellim. But the post can be seen by poking on that red crayon thingy.

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Imagine the extra cost of The Wall if it had to go all around Arizona’s border.

Hey, throw in New Mexico too. And Texas.

(Naw, i don’t hate Mexico, and that would be a cottonwood grove too far.)

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I’d be rid of trump and have easy access to the Waters around Guaymas, Mazatlan, and Rocky Point. A win-win I’d say.


For myself i don’t care what the politician’s gender is but a lotta wingers here in AZ do.

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Would you please explain these comments?

We want Joe!

Please, oh pretty please, appoint Joe Arpaio. The man clearly is the best the GOP could hope for…

Orin Hatch could give them both a run for the money…


Republicans have a lot to hide from the people they’re supposed to serve.


Yes, you may have read that in this very article! “Ducey reportedly isn’t particularly high on her at this point. Kirk Adams, who recently resigned as Ducey’s chief of staff, may be the front-runner now.”

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The winner will serve the remaining two years of McCain’s term, before having to face reelection in 2022.

The math don’t work.

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Thanks for telling me how to do that red crayon thing. I am offended when Trump talks about the wall and Mexicans. I have only had good experiences in Mexico and with Mexicans in this country. We should be rid of him soon and his haughty Republican supporters. We will all have to be more vocal in condemming them and their methods.

They can all be on the Senate Death Panel.