Discussion: Johnson, Other GOPers: It’s ‘ Too Early’ To Talk About Backing Trump In 2020

pst, most of your voices are going to be muted in Nov anyway, so don’t waste anymore energy.
You have all been running on low batteries for a while now.

Sorry Johnson, I can’t hear you. Can you say that LOUDER so the man you’re bending over backwards in order to kiss his ass, can fucking hear you???


Yeah, but for now he wants it both ways. Sucking dick and shoved up the ass. Idiot.

Sorry to be so graphic.

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lol be careful, you never know when the corker will pop.
Sometimes it only takes a little shake up to explode. lol

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Oh, but the ship is tethered.

The PMS Trumptanic is tied to Valodya Putin’s Ship of State.


Sort of brings to mind that charming old literary turn of phrase, “sauve qui peut and the devil take the hindmost!” Like soldiers in a rout, throwing their rifles away and running for their lives. Obviously it’s expressed as simple prudence, oh, that’s much too far in the future to even think about, I’m more focused on my non-flammable doll hair bill, look squirrel etc. etc. But this seems pretty significant to me.


Right now the Republicans running for re-election are trying to walk a very thin tightrope- they don’t want to offend their base, but openly endorsing Trump right now could be the kiss of death in November.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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And it may not be individual or personal. Johnson’s got four years to go. The party leadership may be trying to hold Trump’s base with one hand while edging away with both feet. Nice trick if they can do it. :wink:


Add about 62,000,000, give or take a million, voters with the same affliction.

This is rather unprecedented. Or should I say un-presidented?

I don’t know if Cruz thinks Trump might not run, but he’s already building a shrine to him:

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No, no, the graphics are fine. I’m just curious about the execution of such a feat.

Stupid Ted obviously hasn’t seen the polling map in which Trump polls the same in Texas as: California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Colorado and New Mexico - under 40% approval.

Go ahead, Ted, run on Trump’s record. Please.


Other gotcha questions for Republican politicians

“So, you know, listen, I understand the kind of ’gotcha’ question you’re engaging here.”

Was Obama born in the US?
Are people from Mexico murderers and rapists?
Is the FBI a corrupt tool of the Democratic Party?
Is it about time to rain fire and fury on North Korea?
Are you a member of the party led by Donald J. Trump?

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yes they will

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“Senator, do you believe that Russia does not have the best interests of the American people at heart?”
“Wha son, you don’t spekt me to answer your sly reporter gotcha question”
“Senator, are free and fair elections in the best interests of the American people?”
“Now then, that’s just another high falutin’ gotch question - I will not dignify it with an answer.”
“Senator, do you prefer your breakfast infant roasted or boiled?”

Stretching beforehand is key. And, just like the gym, be sure to apply some hand sanitizer before you leave.

Youngster, did you know that more children die of flaming doll hair burns than in school bear attacks? This important measure needs my immediate attention, excuse me, I have a speech to make.

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He may be the dumbest fucking fuck from Dumbfuckistan in the Senate, but even he can scent the coming impeachment on the wind blowing from 2019.