Discussion: John Oliver Refines American Sex Education (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #239244

I took sex ed long ago and the class was optional for students so long as their parents signed a form saying that they would be taught about sex at home. I knew one girl whose parents refused to let her take the class andā€¦well, she got pregnant the next year. None of the other girls I knew who took the course got pregnant, and I feel forever lucky that the teacher didnā€™t do any of that awful slut shaming.


We were never taught sex education. The only sex education came from our parents and grandparents which was never to have sex until you got married!!!

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Public or pubic info?

TGIF (toes go in first)

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My dad gave an attempt at ā€˜splaininā€™ it to me when I was about 12-13. I could see he was extremely queasy about it. I told him I had this sex thing figured out already and you could see a HUGE weight lifted off him and his blood pressure drop at least 20 pointsā€¦ In those years (late 50ā€™s-early 60ā€™s) there was no sex ed in high school. It is interesting tho that my science career was in reproductive physiology at a medical school.

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So apparently when you told him you had it figured out you werenā€™t fucking aroundā€¦er uh or maybe you were!

Not until I was 16 which was 4 years after that ā€œtalkā€.

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