Thanks to daddy Fred, he’s an ordinary boy from Queens made good (and I know from ordinary Queens boys because I grew up near where he did.). I’d like to see someone ask him where those silly hats are made, or where wife and daughter have their clothing and jewelry lines manufactured.
Sadly, LGB, this is all too true. We here are political junkies for whatever reason. We are much better informed than John and Jane Q. Public.
One characteristic I share with John and Jane is digust with the process and circus our elections have become. The idea that we’re more than six months into the campaign when the first primary events are fourth months away is disgusting.
Yeah, I wish Daddy had been able to give me a small million dollar loan.
On a side note, Trump mad light of the bread and wine of the sacrament of Communion. He also took it upon himself to not so slyly criticize Ben Carson’s religion. He says the Bible is his favorite book, his second favorite being The Art of the Deal?? He brags about his being a Presbyterian and “Christian.” He married his current wife at Bethesda by the Sea Episcopal church in Palm Beach. Why didn’t he marry at a Presbyterian church, his church? The emperor has no clothes…A phoney in every way!!
It might seem like my own personal crusade because I’ve posted about several times, but I lay the blame on our never ending campaigns at the feet of the permanent-campaign industry and those who make a fortune being part of it; advisers, pollster, trackers, image managers, all of them. It’s been created slowly and insidiously over the years, and it’s greed as a career.
As far as loans, at least tRump didn’t get into poor mouth rMoney territory, tuna casserole served on the ironing board.
I’ll drink to that. And those same people, the Atwaters, the Deavers, the Roves, have greatly contributed to making that never-ending campaign about image, about the mood projected, rather than policy and substance. They successfully separated the conjoined twins of policy and politicking.
No, we’re not all illiterate, but some of us are confused. What on Earth are you going on about?
I wish the pretend journalists of the so-called “mainstream media” were as thoughtful and selective as John Oliver, who I consider one of the brilliant commentators of our time.
He’s an open book," Oliver went on, “and that book doesn’t have many interesting words in it.”
Real Things Donald Trump Has Said:
That giving your wife “negotiable assets” is a terrible mistake.**
“I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” Trump is quoted as saying of his then-wife in a 1990 Vanity Fair piece. -
That women are essentially aesthetically-pleasing objects. Written in his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success.
That sexual assault in the military is totally expected. “What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?” May 7,2013 Tweet
That women on “The Apprentice” need to rely on sex appeal. How To Get Rich, 2004
That bad press doesn’t matter as long as you have a sexy girlfriend..
“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ***.” – from an interview with Esquire, 1991 -
**That a woman MUST be hot in order to be a journalist.**T rump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on “Last Week Tonight.” "
That pumping breast milk is “disgusting.” When a lawyer facing Trump in 2011 asked for a break to pump breastmilk for her infant daughter" “he got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed, ‘You’re disgusting, you’re disgusting,’ and he ran out of there,” attorney Elizabeth Beck told CNN.
That all women hate prenups, because they are gold diggers. Trump: The Art of the Comeback
Women have a “great act” going on to trick men. "I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.” – Trump: The Art of the Comeback, 1997
Other Real Things Oliver Has Said About Trump
- John Oliver called Trump an "upside down piece of candy corn in a wig.
Well said, sir!
With the disclaimer that I don’t actually know anything about the economy of local TV, I was thinking this morning about how local TV channels probably use election years to balance their books for the other three years because of all the ads.
I guess I don’t mind the politics going on and on. I feel it takes time for the chaff to get separated from the wheat. This is the process and those of us who pay attention and work on campaigns or support candidates one way or the other are an important part of the process. I mean look how long it took to get rid of Mr. 999. And Governor good hair was way out in front until he had his oops! moment. And Jeb! would have had this nomination in a truncated process like they have in merry Britain. I don’t know. I could be mistaken on this. I’ll just say it doesn’t bother me.
I’m a political junkie at heart --always have beeen.
I’ve posted this before but I met a young man recently who was surprised to learn HRC was running for president because he hadn’t watched the news lately. I was speechless and told him she was the frontrunner which was okay with him…
Someone at work thought our current governor (AZ) is Jan Brewer (we had an election last year and Doug Ducey was elected, succeeding her since she was term-limited)
I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry.
Oliver is right and I wish more people in the media followed his train of thought. Instead Trump can say the dumbest things and the media clamors to interview him for more.
Our 4th Estate sucks.
Yeah, but they are they and we are us!!! We’re the Greatest Country In The World ™, already forgotten?
Seriously, pointing out other countries has never worked to change an American’s mind. High-speed rail in Japan, gun control in Australia, paid family leave in Sweden… doesn’t matter. “If you want it, move there!” (is what you will hear).
Easy, tiger!
Excellent research, Jalus
Yeah, and don’t forget the small million-dollar loan that Trump received way back when is worth about six million now. Trump doesn’t mention this part, or perhaps he is just not economically minded.
So it’s not like you’re going to find the secret nugget he’s been holding back.
Oh so many words to describe that nonexistent “secret nugget”.
THANK YOU! I couldn’t get that answer, and now I finished the Saturday puzzle!