Discussion for article #222001
Blah, blah, blah. Enough already with the meaningless word salad about “empowering patients to make choices that are good for their own health… without government dictating what they should do.” If you asked him to parse his own words and explain what that actually means in specific terms I strongly doubt he could do it. So, John, until you have a fully formed plan to show us, why don’t you just STFU and move on.
… except when the doctors and patients are women discussing women’s health issues, then the government should absolutely be dictating what they should do.
“…as opposed to doing what the government is dictating they should do.”
The perennial tripping point for conservatives.
They want to swap government dictatorship for insurance dictatorship, and it isn’t any better. In fact, it’s worse, because it’s in the interest of insurance companies to dictate what is NOT best for the consumer.
The reason they haven’t come out with a replacement plan is they can’t come up with one that doesn’t look like Obamacare.
The GOP can’t shave in the morning without a swig off the obstruction bottle–they will wave hands, talk a bluster and hold votes, but you only need to look at their record to know they have done absolutely nothing for the American People. The GOP is a wholly-owned corporate lobby group, nothing more.
The GOP has absolutely no interest in earnestly governing–they are the anti-governors, they want to shrink and paralyze government, and create a true, full-fledged fascist state. They care nothing for liberty, and they despise Democracy. Observe just a few of the bills that the Republican Party has filibustered. They have no shame:
HR 12 – Paycheck Fairness Act – While the Lily
Ledbetter Act was a good start, this bill would have mandated pay
fairness and prohibited pay discrimination based on sex. In other words,
while Lily’s Bill made it easier for women to sue, this would have
created fair workplace system with regard to pay. In other words,
Republicans voted in favor of paying women less money for the same job.
H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act –
This bill would actually provide job security for veterans who are
receiving medical treatment for injuries suffered while fighting in
defense of their country. It would prohibit employers from terminating
employees who miss work while receiving treatment for a service-related
disability. Guess that answers that question; they don’t care about the
troops, either. This isn’t the only bill they have blocked having to do
with the troops, either.
H.R. 515 – Radioactive Import Deterrence Act –
This one has to make you scratch your head. Basically, this bill would
prohibit the issuance of licenses to import of low-level nuclear
material and waste to this country. It specifically exempts nuclear
waste belonging to the United States, and it allows the president to
make exceptions where necessary.
H.R. 1168 – Veterans Retraining Act – This
bill would provide for assistance to help veterans who are currently
unemployed with their expenses while retraining for the current job
H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
– Once again, you have to wonder; what do Republicans have against
those who have served our country? This bill would reauthorize programs
in support of homeless veterans, to assist them with job training,
counseling, and placement services through the Department of Veterans
Affairs through 2014.
H.R. 1262, Water Quality Investment Act – This
bill would not only invest needed funds into improving water quality in
areas where it’s needed, but it would also create jobs for those who
work in that industry,
H.R. 1293 – Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009 – Here’s another
bill in support of those who have fought for their country, passed by
House Democrats and blocked from becoming law by Republicans. Clearly,
Republicans hate the troops, because there is no other reason to be
against this bill. This would increase the amount paid by the VA to
disabled veterans for necessary home structural improvements from $4,100
to $6,800 for those who are more than 50% disabled, and from $1,200 to
$2,000 who are less than 50%, disabled.*
The only way they could get away with replacing it would be to cut the insurance companies out of the law. They cannot take away insurance from those who now have it or they will be roasted by their own peeps. Good luck John. You will never get the House Republicans to come up with anything like a better plan. The ACA is going to motivate off year elections like it did before it passed, but in the exact opposite way. There is nothing as important to people as good health care. If they had any sense they would just offer ideas to make this law actually better for Americans. Not gona happen.
Slowly they are resigning themselves to reality. They had a chance to do this after 911 when they had control of Congress and the White House and didn’t. They snooze and lose.
the reason why they haven’t come up for a plan to replace Ocare is
because Ocare is based on a republican plan by the hreitage foundation and used by the denier Romney in Massachusetts
the buying across state lines is a loser because every state and insurance companies have different regulations and the only way they could get pre-existing insurance is to legislate it something Conservatives will never do.
That’s because they fail to tell their low information voters that O-Care is based on their ideas. See Heritage Foundation!
Recreate an insurance market overnight? Say what, big John?
Recreating the health insurance market we had before PPACA kicked in is trivial. Kick everyone not on group plans to the curb, and deny insurance on the basis of pre-existing hangnails.
He only NOW realized that? Or is it that he only now realized that the Teatotalitarians he’s supposed to be speaking for are REALLY slow learners!
How many years will it take before Republicans start calling it the Affordable Care Act, and say originally it was a Republican idea? Less than you might think.
What’s amazing is how many “analysts” were convinced that the system would collapse of its own weight. It seems delusional.
The govt, in its bumbling, bureau-stuffed and dysfunctional way, has created and sustained the massive SS and Medicare social programs. The law was based on that experience, the Mass. model, lots of healthcare thought, and the lessons of the Hilarycare fiasco.
You can say ACA is bad because Bengazi or whatever, but it didn’t seem reasonable to me to believe that it would just not work. At all. And collapse. And kill people.
And how is the ACA not “patient-centered?” It’s allowing sick people to finally become patients.
What a typical BS Republican meme: “patient centered health care.” Sounds great but means absolutely nothing. Sort of like shouting “freedom” at every turn.
All “patient centered health care” seems to mean is that the patients pay more.
Seriously dude, he’s never going to “back off Obamacare repeal” as long as you guys keep writing stories for Drudge to link to that ask whether he is whenever he takes a public step in that direction.
A Limbaugh Fatwa and a Drudge Siren will be out by Tuesday and he’ll do the walkback of shame by the end of next week.
Put it this way. If you are in need of health care, the last thing that you would want to pinning your hopes to, would be a Republican Plan to get you covered in an actual affordable way.
It’s not like they didn’t have one of their own implementing a plan that has basically worked known as Romneycare that they could’ve just copied. It’s also not like they didn’t hold all of the power for 6 years straight during the Bush years and could’ve gotten any plan that they wanted enacted.
The Republicans are only feigning interest now because Obama stood up and got it done. Not because they care all of a sudden or because they got beat in a race that they weren’t in. No, now they are stuck with either having to honestly contribute to making real improvements or proposing unworkable plan after unaffordable plan that benefit their donors and no one else. There is no light at the end of this tunnel for the Repubs, milking the obstruction for as long as they can is all they’ve got.