Discussion for article #235783
Please don’t give this irresponsible, immoral, loser any publicity. We DON’T CARE what he says about anything.
Gosh, I sure hope the Republicans bought enough papertowels to, you know–wipe up all the splooge their spilling today.
I was this close to responding to one of his tweets but I decided watching paint dry was more constructive.
Who is this guy? He doesn’t sound too swift. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste your publication space on him. He obviously needs help.
Bullshit Joe.
It’s republicans who will not adequately fund K-12 and higher education. Republicans who give tax breaks to the ultra wealthy (in order to get campaign donations). I could go on for a couple hours but you get the idea, Joe.
Hey Joe, how’s the family? Paid your child support lately, Joe? Joe? (crickets)
Joe Walsh: Proof that you CAN ACTUALLY Talk out of your ASS.
By “former” you really mean “loser”.
Joe Walsh: Living, breathing testimony to the fact that you cannot fix “stupid.”
It was all downhill after The James Gang with this guy.
Look, this jackass’s constituents got tired of listening to his crazy shit so the voted him out. Why the hell should anyone care what he has to say about anything at all? He’s proven that he’s too irresponsible to exist on a national stage, so stop giving him any air.
You know TPM is getting desperate for something to talk about when they go Derp Mining.
At least Joe Walsh knows he’ll always have an audience at Josh Marshall’s rag.
Note to TPM: This piece of shit’s 15 minutes of fame are up.
Seems like the more irrelevant you are the more tweets you have.
…the sad part is is that he wouldn’t get it fixed if he could…
As with Cheney, Dinish D’Souza, and every cretin criminal who can’t STFU, my question, before reading this is: is he speaking from jail or prison? If not, then I am not interested. If he is, I’m probably not interested unless there’s a photo of him in orange.
But thanks again, TPM, you’re learning how do do clickbait very well!
This is what passes for Republican “minority outreach”.
PS: this buffoon’s entire livelihood comes directly from Uncle Sugar, because STFU.
As well as “liberal news”
You just knew the racist ambulance chaser’s would chime in. Everytime they see an opportunity to give black folks the finger and jab Obama they are right there.
Joe The F^cking Idiot™ earns his title.