Discussion: Jindal: Trump Isn’t a Conservative, ‘He’s a Narcissist’

Jindal said he appreciated Trump’s outsider approach to the campaign, and that he “loved” when Trump released Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) cell number on live TV and gave helicopters to kids at the Iowa State Fair.



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“He said his favorite book was the Bible but folks he hasn’t read the Bible," Jindal said. “You know he hasn’t read the Bible because his name’s not in the Bible.”

Not taking up for Trump here–because I knew the man was lying when he claimed to know the Holy Bible–but this is some major religiously-based HATE seething from Jindal. That said, Is Piyush Jindal in the Holy Bible, as well?

Now Bobby… do you really expect the attendee of the VVS to know what ‘narcissist’ means? Really? Don’t use big words with those folks.

Jindal is describing himself to a T. It’s over for him. I’m happily waiting for Jindal to quit the race. Either that, or he’ll keep adding to his collection of goose eggs.

it IS a good line - clever - which is why you can be sure it was written FOR him, not BY him…

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Because, after all, truth can only be determined by polling numbers.

Jindal To Mitch McConnell: ‘It’s Your Turn’ To Step Down

…as if any one who sticks their faces in front of cameras for political, comedic, or $$$-grubbing are not narcissists …

Yeah, he stole it from Bill Maher.