and bobbie is a jingoist. bobby jingo.
My first thought: so little to choose between them.
Hasn’t Jindal quit yet?
The contrast between the tone of the Republican race and the tone of the Democratic race could hardly be starker. Trump has taken a party that was already prone to childishness and negativity, and turned it into a brawl at a junior high keg party. Probably by the time I’m done typing this, Trump will have sent out half a dozen tweets calling Jindal a “loser” and a “moron” and so on. I almost feel sorry for the Republicans I know. Almost.
I’m pretty sure Trump’s going to point that out.
I can’t recall where I read it, but an expert on bullying recently referred to Trump as “an eighth-grade girl.” Pretty close.
Was there anybody who DIDN’T think this?
Well, besides the Republican base.
Jindal is making Trump look right about his favorite envy references in the Bible.
Yeah. I had to smile at that line too.
Piyush, Piyush… you are not a conservative, you are pathetic imbecile.
I am not insulting you… merely describing .
Bobby Jindal has a lot of nerve to be calling someone else a narcissist, with his paled faced governor’s portrait. And to think he is allowing that thing to hang on the governor’s wall in the state’s mission is a severe case of narcissism to me, buddy!
Thank you, Governor Obvious. Everybody already knows that.
Not all narcissists are conservatives…but all conservatives are definitely narcissists!
But I thought that narco-thing was already taken care of with Obama and Bush admitting that they had smoked some dope.
huh. a narcissist who wears a dead squirrel on his head? them’s fighting words.
I dunno. I view the portrait as more an artifact of self-hatred than of narcissism (though those two things aren’t at all mutually exclusive).
I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts Trump has a bible with Trump’s name in it.
I am the lord your Trump. You will have no other Trumps before me.
I was wondering why Jindal wasn’t getting any traction with this. Oh wait. It’s coming from Bobby Jindal. Double whammy.