Discussion: Jimmy Carter Defends Obama Letting Daughters Listen To Beyoncé

Discussion for article #232053

They’re not little girls anymore. Shielding them from the real world is not good parenting.

And FWIW, my parents never censored a damn thing I listened to either, and I was listening to Frank Zappa when I was 13.


And who the phuck cares what Mike Huckabee has to say anyway. How does what he thinks matter. And why does TPM care??


And Huck’s good buddy pedophile Ted Nugent is all sweetness and light. Of course, the guy only plays one song, but I think that the ‘Cat’ in ‘Cat Scratch Fever’ means something other than what the Huckster thinks it does.


Our experiences shape are opinions. What we have seen is what we use to form our opinions on all things in life. How many folks think Huckabee has seen a dance move more provocative than a Polka in his life? His remarks aren’t valuable just because it is he that made them. They only have value if they are driven by school of hard knocks experience. And the Huckster does not have any of that. besides…he is going to be critical. It doesn’t matter what Obama does or doesn’t do. Huck is going to bitch.


Jimmy C. doesn’t, at any rate—he kind of made a point of that. :smiley:


I guarantee you Obama, his daughters and Beyonce don’t give a shit about what he has to say.


Every day former President Carter gets up and puts his pants on is a subtle upraised middle finger to all those who denigrate(d) his presidency. Not to mention the hordes of hypocrites, liars, bloviators, and…well, ya’ll know who I’m talking about. Long may he live!


I’m glad to see he still has lust in his heart.


Yeah and that too. I wish I were in earshot of Huckabee. He’d wish he wasn’t born.

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Exactly,especially since the right has made it their life time ambition to criticize him.

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I must have missed when listening to Beyonce was a “thing” in the first place. What the f, Huckabee.

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Last time I looked, Beyonce was one of the most popular and highest paid performers in the country. Why do you hate America, Huck?


Yes, and now you’re here posting on a LIBRUL website. See how it works?

(But for the record you don’t need Jimmy Carter to say it’s OK to listen to Beyonce. She is about as bland and mainstream as they come.)


Exactly right. It was made clear in the 2008 campaign that the Obamas could do absolutely nothing right in the eyes of conservatives, and that if they couldn’t find anything he actually did to be critical about, they would simply make stuff up.


I don’t know what is more distressing here; Huckabee criticizing music the Obama girls listen to
TMZ bothering former President Jimmy Carter with this bullshit. I mean, really?

On another note; Beyoncé and Jay Z have become a target from the right due to their support of Pres. Obama. This is a two-for Huck; a chance to talk shit about the famous music couple while taking a pot shot at the president over parenting.

Without knowing what songs the Obamas allow their daughters to listen to, it’s a pretty stupid move to criticize something like that. They could pick certain songs - Beyoncé has MANY - and most have a powerful message about empowerment. It’s just a bad move all around for Huckabee to even comment on, and makes him look senseless and petty. But then what else is new.


I admit that I’m not at all informed about the pop music scene these days, but I was wondering the same thing. If he were talking about some of the current rappers, that would be one thing, but what has Beyonce done that is any more suggestive than, say, Madonna has recorded?

Of course, I can remember when Huckabee’s crowd was saying the same things about the Beatles.


I was proceeding in a
Southernly direction, milord
When I heard strange sounds coming
From Wardour Place, milord

A sort of boogie woogie
Music was being played

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Then take a minute and explain to the vahyues voters how she happened to end up so black? Or do you approve of that as well?!


The way he’s concerned, you’d think the Obama girls had been discovered torturing animals.