“The President knew that he was hiring someone to be the chief law enforcement officer who had been involved in his campaign, so there’s a certain level of risk you assume by doing that,”
Not for anyone worthy of the office of President of the United States, there isn’t.
Well, yeah, he brought on the risk himself.
But since Duncie never takes responsibility for anything and since he’s never been accountable to anyone except those Russian banks, he has absolutely no idea of what “conflict of interest” means. Other than “they’re trying to hurt MEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEEE!” and “They’re picking on MEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEE!”
Logic doesn’t work with Donnie, only perverted, self-centered emotionalism. He’s an immature man-child.
Trump seems to be referring to himself in the third person with increasing frequency.
Now we all see the origins of the obsequious start to the first cabinet meeting. This is the first time he has gone public throwing one of them under the bus, but no doubt in private a number of them have been thrown down.
It is like there was a second oath of office each had to take, and this one places Trump as higher than the country or constitution.
Sessions goes, by who knows what method.
Trump names toady to replace him.
Toady takes control of Rosenstein’s purview over Mueller.
Toady reins in or calls a halt to Mueller investigations.
Public and media and Dems in Congress cry foul.
GOP controlled Congress and Trump base shrug their shoulders and happily acquiesce.
Calls for an independent prosecutor appointed by Congress go unheeded.
Trump is off the hook.
Not if New York state has enough to try and convict him.
So when does Sessions resign. It’s the only honorable thing to do. Of course who would possibly take the position now, who isn’t a hack or a fool. Ann Coulter for AG?
That bus must need new shock absorbers by now. I can’t count the number of people Trump has thrown under it.
There are conflicting interpretations of the Constitution vis-a-vis the President’s exposure to criminal prosecution previous to impeachment and conviction by Congress. Everything I’ve read seems to indicate it is a very muddled area of law, with various authorities asserting divergent opinions on the issue.
Yeah, me too.
So, what does it say about Sessions that he hasn’t resigned? All these guys just let Trump use and abuse them endlessly. Sad. Really. Sad.
This was really throwing your own attorney general under the bus, which is obviously not good for his morale.
Yes, we all want Sessions to be in a good frame of mind while he's dismantling civil rights laws, increasing asset forfeiture, suppressing the vote, re-criminalizing marijuana, bringing back minimum mandatory jail sentencing and just generally undoing a generation of progress in the way people are treated by the criminal justice system. He needs to be focused, can't have Trump gumming things up at this critical juncture.
Agenda my man, it’s is and whole hog about the President Bannon’s agenda.
I think he’s putting up with Trump to save his own hide now. Wants to keep an eye on Mueller.
Wikipedia: “Johnson’s first name is taken from a Liberian chief, who reportedly saved his grandfather’s life while he was on a League of Nations mission to Liberia in 1930.”
Now I know.
Sessions also gets to do all the other things he wants, like dismantling civil rights for everyone who isn’t an older white male, settling white-collar criminal cases for pennies on the dollar…
In Jeffie’s mind the worst part of all was this black man defending him…