Discussion for article #241549
Jeb: “My record in Florida shows there are much better ways to achieve the correct vote outcome.”
Jeebus Crust on a skateboard!!
Jeb! continues to underwhelm.
He is the poorest candidate among a large group of poor candidates.
He’s also proved himself to be a pandering asshole—apparently, he doesn’t want to be outdone by the rest of the Klown Kar Katastrophy Brigade.
If God wanted black people to vote he would have made them white.
Yeah, just let them discriminate against anyone they feel like. Sounds completely reasonable. (Commencing sarcastic eye roll…)
“There’s been dramatic improvement in access to voting — exponentially better improvement. And I don’t think there’s a role for the federal government to play in most places — there could be some — but in most places where they did have a constructive role in the 60s. So I don’t support reauthorizing it as is.”
Translation: We used to just deny the niCLANGs the vote. Now, we make 'em jump through hoops while we titter and giggle, then we throw their votes out or just scrub 'em from the rolls.
See how much we’ve advanced?
Yet, on Colbert last night, they showed the current Vegas odds…he’s still the favorite in Vegas to be the GOP nominee…somehow.
THEY DOn’t NEEd OVErsIGHT. STAtes DON’t DEPRIVe bLAcks THE vote THE sAMe wAY they DID in thE 60’. LIbtards, there THEy go agaIN!11!11!11one111!!
Jesus. Raised with all that noblesse-oblige crap, will never miss a meal or lack for a thing as long as he lives no matter what choices he makes, and he doesn’t seem to even want this resumé plum all that much. And yet he goes about it like one of those broken people from a concentration camp who’d inform on the escape plotters just to get a bowl of watery soup. Just a despicable human being, this one.
It’s sad but true. Jeb!?$ leads in prediction markets (betting), national endorsements and money raised, but Rube’s nipping at his heels. A bush/rubio ticket because of widespread appeal to Latinos is what they’re thinking.
I guess they think that would lock up Florida for them too. Hmmm, this gives me something to look up–Presidential tickets where both Pres and Veep are from the same state…has it happened before? stay tuned!
This is one of many stories about Jeb!'s lack of concern about African American voters in FL while he was governor. He was pressed by Ward Connerly to end affirmative action, was going to put the issue on the ballot in 2000 but realized it would drive blacks to vote, so instead he issued an Executive Order. When blacks demonstrated at the State House he issued an order to throw their asses out.
The only thing I’m finding is Cheney was technically from Texas, but changed his residency to Wyoming right before 2000 election. It’s not illegal, but never seems to have been done before that I can find…yet.
Life is just one giant role playing game for Jeb - he has no skin in the game & just plays for something to do. He has never, never, never had to worry about anything adversely impacting the exquisite quality of life that he enjoys - and he is comprehensively incapable of having any empathy for individuals who are less fortunate - 'cause he don’t give a crap - they don’t matter to him.
Here is how this vapid, incapable of complex thoughts, jerk ‘thinks’ …
If you could get sent to prison just for being stupid …
Jeb would be locked up for life - without parole
I think the 12th amendment means they would lock out Florida.
A state cannot submit an electoral college vote for Pres and VP that are both from that state.
I can’t imagine Cheney changing his residency were it not absolutely legally necessary. Because, well, Cheney has such high regard for the law.
Edit: Aha! According to storm the Dumbya/Dick ticket would’ve automatically given up 38 electoral college votes had they been from the same state.
Cheney grew up in Wyoming, attended the University of Wyoming and was elected as a Representative of Wyoming. So declaring his residency there doesn’t raise too many eyebrows (he undoubtedly was declaring Texas his state of residency merely for tax purposes anyway).
Rubio grew up in Florida, attended the University of Florida, served in the Florida legislature and was elected as a Senator from Florida. If he tried to change his residence, that would raise all sorts of accusations.
Bush would be a more likely candidate to do so, but again, since he was governor of Florida twice, and its a major part of his campaign platform, that also would raise all sorts of howls he would just as well not deal with.
Technically, though, you are correct…either could change their state of residence before the election to get around the Constitutional requirement.
I don’t see a Bush/Rubio ticket happening though, for lots of reasons. I don’t see JEB getting on the ticket for a big one.
Correct. Technically they could forego Florida’s vote.
Back in reality, there is no way in hell the GOP could afford to give up Florida’s votes. Every path to 270 for them requires they win Florida.
Since yesterday the world did not burn, today, I for once kind’ov agree with Jeb. Most states treat voting as the RIGHT it is and therefore don’t need a great deal of over-site. However, as Jeb’s Florida has shown more than once, there are exceptions and they absolutely need strict over-site.