Discussion: Jeb Bush Would Axe Federal Food Stamp Program In Welfare Overhaul

“I know that giving states more flexibility will open the door for transformative ideas to eliminate poverty and increase opportunity,”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “I want to give red states the opportunity to fail as hard as they can as part of their attempts to drive out the poor and minorities.”


Bush seems to be aping Romney – a clueless plutocrat – without Romney’s veneer of a claim to have worked a day job to get his riches. The only skill Bush brings to the table is the knowledge of how to open his mouth and receive sustenance paid for with inherited riches. He seems to be vying with his brother to prove how far you can get being stupid but the beneficiary of other people’s money. I think he’s going to lose the contest.


I guess if my barber proposed this I would be interested.

About the same degree I would be if Jeb! did. Both have equal chances for the Presidency.


As long as he’s aware that the majority of people enjoying those benefits are the base of his party. This myth that libs are the freeloaders living on the dole won’t get stamped out until conservatives en masse are facing a loss of benefits, and more specifically, losing them because of the rhetoric of a Republican President or congressman.


Hey gotta pay for those tax cuts…


Apparently this moron and his aides do not understand that the vast majority of people on food stamps are the children, disabled, and elderly of this nation. I guess like his idiot brother he thinks that these groups should be left to die, and with the Tea Party in control of so many states, I suspect our mortality rates will soon resemble those of most Third World Nations. This is just like the GOP (and yes, it was the GOP with able assistance from the Clintons) Welfare-to-Work reforms that crippled so many families, created a slave wage worker economy, and after 2008 when the failed GOP economic policies hit, left many families on the streets. Only now it will be put on steroids and starvation will become the norm in this nation rather than jobs, because in states where the GOP holds sway, Wal-Mart will no longer be handing out food stamp applications in their employment packets!


Take a look at the “transformative ideas” that esteemed Gov Sam Brownback of Kansas and his legislature want to impose of the poor people getting the minuscule relief available through SNAP, TANF, and welfare.

   State governments would then apply for federal "Right to Rise" grants to launch programs for low-income residents.

GREAT IDEA ! ! — Give the GOP led state legislators another account to rob —


I love this idea! Excuse me, fellow KYians, Gov. Bevin will now decide whether or not you eat and what you eat. Hey, that’ll show Obama! That’ll really stick it to the gays!


Jebs problem is one of proximity - proximity to too much wealth. What Jeb needs is a bell-ringing wake-up call, say something of the order of what Dan Akroyd (sp?) experienced in the movie “Trading Places”. That would really help him out - a lot!


The grants would never be given out, or they would be given to the states and they would spend the food stamp money on tax cuts for the rich. Good going rich Bush. Way to starve poor people. That way you would get rid of those pesky poor people even faster by starving them. You know Bush, many republicans are on food stamps that are blue collar workers.


How about eliminating the FEMA disaster aid programs and give a grant to each state. That money could then used by each state to respond to its own natural disasters. Of course, the ‘grant’ would be in accordance with the same ratio of federal dollars received to state dollars sent. South Carolina, I’m sorry. Hurricanes are a bitch but we need you to pick yourselves up by your own bootstraps and take care of this on your own. We already send $5 for every $1 we receive. It’s only fair.

Miami. Are you kidding me? Your streets and neighborhoods are drowning in the rising tide of sea water because of a condition we dare not speak its name. We have no more money for you. Tell your former Governor that we are no longer paying to try and keep your littoral homesteads high and dry. Get a houseboat if you want to live by the sea.

Texas. Cruz voted against Sandy money when Fatso was hugging O. But when Texas got hit with its next big flood or twister or hurricane ( I can’t keep up) Cruz was on the gravy train like a bum on a baloney sandwich. He has no scruples.

The US Armed Forces. Sorry. Governor Bush, if he is elected(!), would take away the SNAP lifeline that so many military families depend on. No more mooching on the federal teat while your loved one is in Afghanistan. Buck up, people, and get a job in town off base. There must be someone who can watch your kids while you’re waitressing or washing dishes.

The working poor. The family farmer. It’s over. Federal price support via the SNAP program is over. Farmers should expect to see a drastic decrease in demand because, face it, poor people don’t have a lot of money for food. If, say, Alabama wants to pony up for some ‘assistance’ for poor people of color, they will probably come up with a little something for those people once the whites have been fed. That’s how they did it before the federal government came in and started throwing SNAP money around and that’s how they will do it again. Count on it.


He understands that full well. All the groups you mention are liabilities. They contribute nothing to awarding jet fighter contracts to Lockheed. They don’t contribute to campaign PACS. They make shopping at the grocery a more tedious experience. Who want rugrats and old crippled people clogging checkout lines? Ice floes used to solve this issue, at least they floated away to die of starvation and exposure to the elements out of sight. Now we’ll just have to man-up and do it openly via public policy. It’s actually a more honest, courageous approach.


I have seen this in academia.

Someone from a well-to-do (or wealthy) background learns a language commonly spoken in a Third World country. And then postures himself as having some sort of “everyman street cred”

A related version of derp is the person who comes back from a Third World country bragging to his friends at the office how he “haggled” with a street vendor.

Unlike Dubya, (who did, for some retards, come across as a “guy you wanted to have a beer with”), Jeb! does not present that picture.

Columba or no Columba. Son or no son. Spanish or no Spanish (after all, in the Old South, Confederates AND slaves both spoke similar forms of English).

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“Block grant.” Yet another term that sounds like words from the English language but actually mean something completely different in Republispeak.

It’s a complex term. It means “slashing current federal spending on a social program and then trying to hide the cut by chopping what’s left up into a cash payment to each state, which will diminish each year thereafter, that the state can use any way it wants as long as it uses it for the general purpose of fucking over the poor.”


Wonder when the last time was fuck-nut missed a meal?

Campaigning for President means never going hungry.


That basement wifi getting hinky, eh?

Not to worry. Grams is making those little round pizzas for you and given her untreated MS (because ACA was repealed) she adds a lot more extra cheese! Lucky you!

I think you can relax: they are both amazingly, and equally stupid. It is just expressed in different ways. The main difference is that Dubya knows he’s stupid, but that he is a lucky SOB. Jeb! doesn’t know he’s stupid because he’s too stupid to realize it.


“Right to Starve”