“The tragedy of this, though, is that there isn’t going to be a wall built. And Mexico’s not going to pay for it. And there’s not going to be a ban on Muslims,” Bush told NBC News in a clip released Monday afternoon. “This is all like a alternative universe that he created.”
What Bush fails to realize is if none of Trump's promises are kept it will be because evil Democrats (see: Satanic Sodomites) will thwart his patriotic dreams.
Kinda hard to feel pity for the Trump fans who will feel “betrayed” when he is unable ban everyone of a particular religious faith from entering the US.
Jeb!'s Alternate Reality: My brother kept America safe.
Wasn’t it Karl Rove, king of the cow pies, who once claimed that we (meaning political hacks) create our own reality, and that historians will one day be studying these invented realities?
Trump created an alternative reality show…
It will be cancelled just like Palin’s was. No sane person take these conservative nutjobs seriously. What Bush is saying here is that even the GOP’s bigoted base will have buyers remorse in the end. It was his family who hired Karl Rove and started all of this. Jeb can’t fix what they broke.
Only a Democrat can. We always are mopping up after the GOP’s irresponsible, greedy and hateful actions.
It might have been Cheney but I get exactly what you are saying. The GOP has been conning Middle America for decades now and everyone is angry about it. Everyone including their own.
Here another alternative universe: Cut taxes for the rich to create jobs. Small government is what we need. Capitalism in magic, leave it alone and everything will be perfect.
Various pollsters and political scientists peg Trump’s ceiling of support between 35>40% of the voting populace. I’d wager the majority of those people are genuinely “all in” on his demented ravings. Kinda weird and troubling to think maybe one adult in four you pass on the street isn’t sane, huh?
Translation: Trump supporters are stupid!
We might be seeing the end of the Republican party. Bush is absolutely right. Trump has created an alternative universe for his supporters. That has been done by carnival barkers and snake oil salesmen since the beginning of time. At some point the alternative universe will be exposed by reality. When the villagers realize they have been sold a bill of goods by a huckster like Trump, the huckster needs an escape route. Trump has his jet and the golf courses in Scotland. The Republican party will be left holding the bag. I wonder just how many of Trump’s faithful will remain active Republicans after this election.
Their bigoted base deserve to be betrayed. They helped the Top 1% create all the crap that has been going down the last few decades. Trump just saw the opportunity and moved in on these crooks. He’s running off with what little is left. There is no way Trump will stick around after the election…whether he wins or loses.
“This is all like a alternative universe that he created.”
Newsflash: He learned it by watching the GOP/Teatrolls.
Yet another ridiculous self-awareness fail from these idiots.
Well they won’t be betrayed because HE WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT!!
There are the nutjobs and then there are the GOP quitters. They have both cast their fate to the winds rather than admitting that their GOP leaders *ucked things up so much and they supported them all the time they were doing it.
Someone once said here that conservatives are incapable of admitting they are ever wrong. Trump’s ridiculous campaign proves it.
It’s a heartbreak, alright. If only there were some alternative scenario, in which Trump doesn’t get elected and therefore doesn’t disappoint all those good folks.
Jeb on Trump Nomination: “This is all like an alternative universe that he created.”
And that alternative universe just came out of nowhere, didn’t it Jeb?
“They bred in their voters the incredible attitude that Republicans were the only people within our borders who raised children, loved their country, died in battle or paid taxes. Their idea of an intellectual was Newt Gingrich. Their leaders were the kind of people who thought Iran-Contra was nothing, but would grind the affairs of state to a halt over a blow job or Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube.”
– Matt Taibbi, explaining exactly from where it came.
Republicans have continually constructed not a wall but a plank or cliff where they drive their deluded faithful further and further away from reality until, eventually, they will drop off into an ammosexual, opiate- and Fox-fueled oblivion.
Jeb. Trump didn’t do this by himself, the Republican Party built it.