Discussion for article #244611
Have great compassion for the struggles that his daughter has faced - but JEB! - this was 60 seconds of ZERO substance - total blah, blah, blah - and no ideas
Translation: “Try to forget that my brother left the country in smoldering ruin. You need to find out how much more damage one family can cause. Vote for ME!”
Bush sounds desperate to me at this point. He is. Laughable vapid dolt he is. He has no idea he’s made a fool of himself. Then again, he only relates to the 1%, in their own bubble destroying all of We The People, the nation, and the planet.
This was interesting. Jeb is trying to show he’s a (ahem) compassionate conservative. A caring, emotionally concerned man.
Which is baloney. He’s using his daughter. He tells the story, but just listen to the narrative and watch his face and demeanor. He’s detached from it; he’s like a reporter telling a story on a news cast.
I actually dislike this guy.
How long before we have a new Trump ad:
Jeb Bush couldn’t keep his own daughter away from smack, so how is he going to keep the country safe?
Counting down from 4… 3… 2…
…and as Governor he made sure his daughter got rehab while others got prison, never offered any legislation to help others addicted, and said nothing when the medicare embezzler who followed him and his fellow Republicans enacted drug testing for welfare recipients.
Eff this guy. A bigger empty suit than his brother.
I haven’t seen the political ad.
Does Jeb come clean about dealing pot and cocaine when he was at Phillips-Andover Academy and how he bullied incoming 1st year students?
Bush II and Bush III had a rocking good time at Andover…coke and pot and RORA 150’s were the drugs of choice.
When Noelle had her hearing in Orange County, Gov. Bush was conspicuously absent – she faced the judge alone – and he made no public comment at the time. Out of sight, out of politics. And now that he sees the opportunity to use her for political gain, this is what he comes up with? Christ, this guy is one empty suit. Probably a shitty dad, too.
Just the other day Jeb announced he wants to phase out food stamps. So, one can only conclude that those who struggle, like his daughter, are deserving of help but the rest, the poor, the hungry, the children, are left to their own devices. Sounds like “situational ethics” to me and a plea to make him appear “human.” It ain’t gonna work.
Heroin is destroying people and families all over–but in Northern New England the plague is especially fierce. It’s just ripping the place up. So Jeb might be the wrong guy, I’m glad he brought it up.
I’m sure Jeb! is a good person. No problem there. But his allegiance to his brother’s advisors and policies disqualifies him from ever being POTUS.
He called to TELL HER he was going to expose her personal problems. He didn’t ASK her if it would be OK? Geesh – the narcissist emotionally blackmailed his own child – not too far a stretch to imagine how the girl ended up self-medicating.
I would never vote for Jeb or any other of the R morons but…
Can you see Trump ever doing something like this?
Opiate and heroin addiction have become important issues to voters in New Hampshire.
“Vote for me cause my daughter’s a junkie, too” isn’t really a good campaign…
Jeb!: I promise to do better than my brother. While Dubya had to wait for 9/11, I will ensure we have 9/11 on day 1 and keep America safe.
My first reaction is that Jeb is outing or pimping out his daughter’s story of addiction. How does she feel about being used for political propaganda? More effective would be Noelle telling her own story and tying it to her dad’s campaign – but only if she wanted to. I’m all for family privacy and self-revelation to the extent one wants.
This move reminds me of Cruz and his daughters. These guys use their kids – invade their privacy and expose them to ridicule only to advance their candidacy – and then if anyone dares to scrutinize the message and the use of human props, they’ll cynically claim victimhood and that their children are off limits.
OH, poor jebbers, I think I’ll vote for you now that I know your kid was a junkie???
PS, I am sure she is ever so happy to have her name dragged through the mud for your campaign!
He told her he was going to talk about her addiction at a town hall – did he they ask her if it was OK to use the footage in a commercial – and if so, before or after the commercial was made and the air dates set? Did she actually have any say? I wonder. He claims she said that she “wants to help”. Maybe she does want to help other people and maybe she wants to help her dad. Her father has now made this a campaign issue, so now I want to hear from NOELLE’S own mouth exactly how her father helped and supported her through her addiction. Because that is the claim here – that he is the man to deal with this problem. He doesn’t say how. Does he mean he’s going to enforce tougher jail sentences and up the war on drugs? Will he commit sufficient public resources for treating addiction? Will he assure mental health services and intervention are readily available and funded to help prevent depressed teens from self-medicating?