Ya there ought to me a single-page cap on anything called “memo.”
The Repubs, both genders, the leaders of the pack and the never had a chance crowd all lie when the truth would be just fine and without regard to the fact that they are now known liars. This is a credibility thing that apparently is meaningless to them?
Where I come from, if someone calls you a liar, they either had best duck or have absolute proof because those are fighting words.
These Repub candidates stack up lies so fast that there is no point in checking on them any longer because they always lie. In fact, what big truth has Fiorina or Bush laid out there?
Not only is he clueless on being president, he’s clueless on running for president. God he’d be such a bad president he probably make Dubba look like a genius.
Apparently ignoring staff memos is a family trait.
Yes. It’s not like questions about his brother’s failed presidency would be out of left field. And then to name some of the same GWB Neo-cons as his foreign policy advisors only confirmed a potential Jeb presidency would only be an extension of George’s.
At least he is consistent in supporting military adventurism unwisely. Trump repeatedly says the Iraq war was a mistake while at the same time naming top Neo-con Bolton as the foreign policy expert he most admires.