Discussion: Jeb Bush: It Was A Mistake For Adviser To Give Speech To J Street

Apparently, their anti-semitism is justified because it precludes the Rapture. The rest of us left leaning anti-semites are the ones who are despicable because we have no excuse.


By the time Jeb Bush gets through the GOP Klown/Gauntlet of 2015/2016, he will have staked out so many positions contrary to the sensibilities of over 80% of the electorate, he would have completely nullified his viability as a Presidential candidate.

Even if his last name was Jones.


Hmmmm. limbless, ex-sanguinated, not to mention spineless. We’re getting into snake/jellyfish territory.
Should work nicely on the campaign poster with a “don’t tread on me” text.


Right-wing comic books have an ad on the back where you can order these special glasses that let you see if a Jewish person has hate for Israel inside them.


*Exactamente. *Just today there was reporting that the Tony Perkins Family Research Council division of the R party and other conservation factions including Richard Viguerie are going to actively look for and support someone further to the right than John Ellis, someone who’ll support opposing same-sex- marriage, opposing immigration reform and rolling back abortion rights. Incidentally, it was Viguerie and others that HRC had in mind when she spoke of “a vast right-wing conspiracy” some years ago. The woman was not delusional.


That’s okay. As long as he looks ‘Presidential’ in the first debate, all those positions and lying about those positions will be forgiven.

The media really loves a good horse race.


Kind of deja-vooey for me, since I seem to recall what a shameless say-anything panderbot dear old dad George H.W. was on the campaign trail.


A Republican Presidential candidate has to apologize for “I’ve been disappointed with the lack of progress regarding lasting peace…”?

The wing nuts have really gone around the bend.


Don’t ooze on me?


Odd article. Can’t for the life of me figure why it fails to note who James Baker is and what positions he served in the Reagan and GHWB white houses. To refer to him only as “one of Jeb’s foreign policy advisers” seems to understate things a great deal, no?


Personally, I think they’ve given up on scratching their heads about the why and are now just going for the fundie nutjob vote. There’s no way that JEB can take this position and still believe that the majority of American Jews are going to vote Rethug. Of course, he’ll always have the neocon wing of that bloc but that’s about it…

That was my take on it too. Apparently only right winger Likud types are pro-israel. Which means about 1/2 of the Israelis who voted in the last election are anti-israel. Bet they didn’t know that.


I know the election is a long way off, but right now the polls show Jeb and Scott Walker as the front runners. Jeb has already stuck his foot in his mouth a couple of times. The fact that he has virtually the same team behind him as his dad and brother will only remind the American people why we were glad to be rid of them. Walker, the non-college graduate will flame out too. He simply isn’s smart enough. Even with the Koch money, he will blow it, probably Rick Perry style.


Did the author of this story not know that James Baker is George H.W. Bush’s most trusted and faithful advisor retainer, a former Secretary of State and the man who basically wrested the presidency out of the hands of the victor and handed it to W? Or did Mr. Strauss just not think any of those facts were relevant to gauging the importance and magnitude of this Guiness record underhand underbus throw?


‘Bloodied’ might not be an appropriate adjective for the candidate who
emerges from the GOP primaries…‘Limbless’ or ‘exsanguinated’, perhaps?

As long it’s not the odious and cliché “eviscerated”. That word needs a good long rest. How about “brutished”, “pilloried,” “savaged” or “wolfed” for a while?


A college education is overrated. GW Bush has two college degrees one from Harvard and one from Yale. The last President without a college degree was Harry Truman. Who do you think was smarter?

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Yeah, Baker’s the advisor he’s criticizing. But as another proud member of J Street, I have to thank Bibi and his worshippers for giving that organization an opening they’ve never had. They’ve been working for several years to gain influence on the Hill as the (to quote them) “pro-Israel, pro-peace” alternative to AIPAC, and to bring some sanity into the I/P policy discussion; but too many in Congress had been cowed into believing that “support for Israel” had to mean uncritically supporting the country’s worst, most destructively (to Israel) politicians and policies. Netanyahu’s brazenness and the GOP’s “partisanizing” (ouch, sorry for that) of Israel, together with the growing realization that American Jews are hardly one with the Israeli right, is finally changing that. So thank you, Bibi, Ron, and John; as Chris Matthews said the other day, all this is good for J Street. And hence for Israel, and the US.


well, only about 30% voted for parties that have policies that are explicitly against a two-state solution, which is what J Street favors (those two being Likud, 23.4% and Jewish Home 6.74%). So, really, fewer than half of Israelis are pro-Israel by this measure.

(I’m taking Bibi at his word in that he’s against a two-state solution, and other party leaders at their word that they are)

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Goysplaining; they know what’s best for us.


So the stated policy of the United States for the past 30 years up to the present with regards to Israel and Palestine is now “anti-Israeli sentiments” in this asshole’s mind?

While Baker is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He at least part of the sane old-guard on foreign policy.

Proof once again that John Ellis Bush is a clown trying to appeal to bigoted idiots on the far-right in order to be “electable” in a GOP primary.