Discussion: Jeb Bush Is A Fan Of Charles Murray's Books

As long as he thinks ‘moderate conservatism’ is still defined by the what/shrug/aw-shucks bigotry of the 1980s, then let him continue to open his mouth for all to hear.

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Whoa. This from a man with children of color.
Rethugs have never met a white supremacy vote they didn’t like so he’s securing the white supremacy vote. What of the rest?
Pathetic. Jeb’s not fit to walk people’s pets with that comment, let alone be President. Ok,


Contrary to what Jeb Bush and “Governor Nerd” Rick Snyder seem to think, “nerd” is not a synonym for “reactionary plutocratic monster.”


Elevator does not reach the top story.

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Is the republican presidential primary going to be determined by the one who can hate the most people that aren’t white, straight, christian, and male. but who are taking money from those that are not white, not straight, not christian, and unfortunately, not male.

Follow the money.

Down with republicans! :smile:



Don’t these people have advisors? To gently point out to them how absolutely ignorant they sound? Kind of like a food taster in the Roman Empire? Oh. Silly me. Their advisors are as ignorant and backward as they are, otherwise they would be advising someone else.

Jeb Bush likes books on white supremacy. Jeb Bush likes to stroke his expense at the expense of non whites. I wonder how his wife and kids feel about that. Jeb Bush is unfit to be president of all Americans.

Welp, I guess the Republicans are going all in on racism at this point.


I was waiting for the last chapter with the really cool solutions — didn’t quite get there."

Does this mean he read the book, kind of? Didn’t get to the end??? But he likes Murray anyway?

Hey, at least he admits he’s a racist. lol


Yep, at least.
Yay. Jeb believes in white supremacy. Let’s vote for him and get our white supremacy country back.

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Jebbie is just getting started ass licking the racist baggers that vote in the gop/bag primary’s.

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Statement soon to be amended with: “Did I say Charles Murray? I meant Bill Murray.”

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The Bush family has no conventional political ideology. They will do whatever it takes to get more power. It is why they are such a serious threat.


Indeed. Check out this devastating piece from The Atlantic


Nerd, racist. TomAto, tomahto.

There are a few people who think Jeb is the smart one, the one they could actually support. I hope more of this kind of thing gets a lot of press so those people can see just what he is. Slightly smarter than W is really not much to brag about.


Someone should explain to these people that if they really believe that race and intelligence are related, white people are in second place, not first…

What the other guy asked , Andrew Sullivan is a fan of Charles Murray?