Jebby: “$3K for every damned vote, and all I got was a rash from all those corn dogs and roasted ears of corn.”
Sorry Jeb! Looks like the voters would rather vote for an actual bush in the yard than for you.
Jebby: “$3K for every damned vote, and all I got was a rash from all those corn dogs and roasted ears of corn.”
Sorry Jeb! Looks like the voters would rather vote for an actual bush in the yard than for you.
I want Bush out of there. He and Snarly need to step down. Nobody wants or cares about them. I hope this is the last time either of them runs for president (or any office) again
Well, Jeb, there’s always room on Jim Gilmore’s ticket. Perhaps you could run with him as a potential VP candidate and work your way up.
It probably is the end of JEB’s political campaigns, though there will be other Bushes in the years to come to contend with. I think its probably true for Carly as well; I have a hard time seeing any gathering any sort of meaningful support for a run at anything after losing a Senate race and posting such a dismal performance this time around. But she could always self finance for a House seat I suppose.
I’ll keep voting for Bernie for free. In fact, I’m sending Bernie another check to defeat Bush and the rest of the Republicans and of course that Republican in Democratic clothes called Hillary.
Hillary is a Republican…just like husband Bill. You watch, the Koch’s will give even more money under the table to Hillary.
Jeb Bush…low energy and almost as incompetent as his older brother.
Hey, just because he got crushed by “other” doesn’t mean he’s not viable!
You must be too young to remember the 1972 election when the Democratic nominee was an honorable sane man named George McGovern.
What we got for our foolish idealism was the worst defeat in history and two more wonderfully fascinating years of Dick Nixon.
I hope and pray that your idealism does not result in a SCOTUS packed by the likes of Ted Cruz or Rubio.
I have been keeping a “circle around the drain” count for Jeb‽ here for a couple of months now, this makes his “third circle” and from here proceeds directly to “flush”. The only question is - when will someone in his camp have the nerve to turn on the Insinkerator?
I read somewhere that ¡Jeb! was offering $50 to “high energy people” to attend his last Iowa rally for two hours.
Not sure if it was true but I think it’s a safe bet the local crack whores and Oxy-queens scoffed and continued working the hotels in and around Des Moines International Airport favored by the “family values” crowd.
In all fairness to ¡Jeb! he’s actually performed an heretofore impossible feat: He’s made Dubya seem smart.
Wasn’t a lot of that spent on voter suppression, though?
It’s not hard to win elections when you get to pick the voters.
Send Bernie all the money you want (or can, if you can afford to max out your contribution.) Just promise us that in November you’ll turn and vote for the Democratic candidate for President whoever it may be. (For the record, I’m supporting Bernie, too. But if you think HRC would be bad, think about Karnival Kruz or his less-abrasive clone, Rubio as President.)
I think you will find no matter how luke-warm a potential Clinton supporter may be now, after a summer of contemplating the Terror from the Right (it does not matter who), that few will feel they should sit this out.