Discussion: Jeb Bush And Mitt Romney Meeting Privately In Utah Thursday

Two white multimillionaire politicians who inherited their money and connections from their daddies meeting in Utah. Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican party.


“Catching-up to do” …

“So, what have you been up to?”

“Oh, you know …”

Hayzeus, if Jebbers were to game this suckah and get to the swearing in, he’ll be less than a month from SIXTY FREAKIN’ FOUR.

So dat ain’t it. What it is, my sense is dis is just like a set up meeting to esplore a potential merger of da Families like what happened with dese wise guys
nowotam sayin?

Da Bushes, dey’ll main tain control of da southeast area, wid da Rico Perry branch lookin’ out for dere interests in Texarkana/Okie, plus the military industrial complex. Meanwhile da Romneys, da old man an da broddas, dey’ll get regional control over everyting westa da Big Muddy plus a override on all civilian trade, dock action, media, and related commercial ventures, wid da Skull Guiliani/Fatso Christie Gang lookin after dere interests onna east coast. Dey’ll leave California, New York City, Philly, Boston and Chitown to da Dems, cuz doze peoples iz animals anyway an dere aready goin ta Hell.

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Did each show the other theirs?

Whaddya wanna do?

Oh, I odn’t know…whaddya wanna do?

Jebba the Butt’s making a big MittStake…

Talks will break down over the shape of the table.

Suddenly, the mood turns icy as Ann casually attempts to teach Columba a few dance steps…