Discussion for article #233564
What have they done about it lately? Sorry, but this is just more fawning over “the people we wish we could be who we live vicariously through.” Thousands/millions of women are waging that war in earnest and yet here we have some syrupy Twitter worship of a couple of rich people because they went slightly beyond the usual polite golfclapping when someone mentioned the issue at a self-congratulatory masturbation festival for the insanely wealthy. Show me the calluses on their hands fighting for this or any other issue and I’ll give them what the rest of us get when we fight hard for issues like that: a pat on the back, a tiny paycheck and a retirement living on SS checks.
So, now, that you have seen a meme of her. Lopez has “feminist” bona fides? This is a pretty low criterion, and it may well underscore why contemporary feminist is the reserve of elite women.
There are numerous states that are severly restricting women’s equal rights, most noticeably in the right to control their bodies as they see fit. I mean abortion.
However, the women who are being severely restricted are lower class women of color and their white counterparts. This is why feminist is increasingly an uppermiddle class project: it doesn’t have the strength to protect all women.
It’s the easiest thing in the world to show feminist support when seated in an exclusive audience, wearing an expensive gown, wearing expensive jewelry and displaying bronzed tits. She’s talking, but where’s the walking?
You’re my personal Internet winner today.
I have a new name for that particular breed of Democratic primary voter who candidates fawn over in Pennsylvania every four years, and who have gone on to vote for the Republican in every general election since 1980: Stealth Democrats.
This is fun!
She also produces “The Fosters,” the GLBTQ friendly ABC Family show.
Well, I’m glad to hear that. I know my choice of verbiage runs roughshod over your sensibilities from time to time, but we are, after all, on the same team
Jaylo’s dress was absolutely stunning except for the neckline. I don’t get it, whoever decided that kind of neckline is attractive is out of their minds. It ruins the dress. I’ve seen it before on other ladies and IT never looks good EVER.
Stealth Feminist And Her Coming-Out Party Was The Oscars
Really? I thought she was dressed like Beyonce at the Super Bowl half-time show (and in particularly sharp contrast to the heretofore OTT Lady Gaga, who looked elegant). I guess you can be a feminist and still dress tacky. But looked like the same ol’, same ol’ to me, regardless of what she may have said.
Yes, we’re on the same team, and yes, my sensibilities are. . . fragile, but you’re so astute and clever I can’t ignore you.
We should all be stealth feminists. No one needs to wear a badge or carry a card. All you have to do is believe and act on your belief that all humans are inherently equal and deserve equal rights no matter their gender, class, race, orientation, etc. All you have to do is be congruent about that belief. Every now and then it takes courage. You don’t have to wrap yourself in a flag when you do that, but you still might enjoy flying one every now and then anyway. When women do that together, that’s sisterhood.