So where’s your comment on the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of Trump’s sons?
Look, I don’t like Ivanka either. But my objections are based on what she says and does, not on her chromosomes. That’s what we should all do.
So where’s your comment on the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of Trump’s sons?
Look, I don’t like Ivanka either. But my objections are based on what she says and does, not on her chromosomes. That’s what we should all do.
Frankly, why are we talking about what any candidate, family members, or supporters looks like? What the hell does any of that have to do with public policy?
Paid leave, that’s a good one. Ivanka’s Daddy doesn’t pay people for being at work.
So the plan is, have a baby if you want the money that HO ripped you off for but be sure to read the fine print.
So what if echidnas lay eggs? I think pangolins are much more interesting.
And did you know that peacocks don’t lay any eggs?
Hah, as if anyone cared anything about conflicted armadillos!
Well, of course, the man of the house - the “breadwinner” as we used to call him - must keep working to bring home some income to the little wife and the kids…
but peahens do…
Drat Google. You used to be able to make a few bucks on that one in any bar in the country.
Gupta also questioned Donald Trump’s evolution on the issue of maternity leave, given that he said in a 2004 NBC interview that pregnancy was an “inconvenience for employers.”
The question she really should have asked is, “Has anyone explained this to your father yet?”
When a candidate cares about something, they put out either their real plan or something even stronger than they can negotiate down from. Ivanka and her father put out crap that could only be made worse or ignored in congress.
I didn’t have to google that one…
I work in a pretty well educated (technical ) environment, and I am still astonished how many people don’t know the difference between Placentals, Marsupials and Monotremes.
How DARE you ask me less than fawning questions. This is why I gave my interview on Childcare Policy to COSMOPOLITAN magazine, ok? I want softball questions cleared in advance with Kellyanne and Steve. No GOTCHA questions. No NEGATIVE questions. We are altruistis. We love the mothers (tearing up).
Yeah Ivanka…it’s a really incredibly ‘lame’ plan. You can use submodifiers and superlatives, but use them accurately. She really is a dim bulb…sheath dress and all.
“It’s meant to benefit, whether it’s in same-sex marriages as well, to benefit the mother who has given birth to the child if they have legal married status under the tax code,” she said.
So, Little Miss Trumplette, given that
It certainly seems entirely equitable that the bereaved father or spouse should not be entitled to parental leave.
Got it.
Same-sex case.
Why didn’t they ask her why her “daddy” lied when he said Hillary didn’t have a plan for paid leave? If she wants to be his surrogate, that was the real low hanging fruit for any interviewer.
I’ll defend you – she is a creation of plastic surgery. That’s due to daddy’s money, not the supremacy of her genes. I can’t separate her appearance from the evil father that has corrupted her soul.
Yeah… like me…who pays no Federal Tax as a Senior on SS.
I don’t plan on having anymore children since I am 70 years old.
But , I do still work and pay Medicare and SS tax. I also pay sales tax…
Not to defend Trump, but is there any doubt that pregnancy and children constitute an inconvenience to just about everything and everyone whose lives they touch? I mean, what are children FOR, actually? You’re not allowed to answer the perpetuation of the species, your reply must have some logical consistency. If the U.S carved out a state where every resident was required to be age 21 or older don’t tell me you wouldn’t be packing the U-Haul this very minute.
“benefit the mother who has given birth to the child if they have legal married status” – so let me get this straight – an unmarried woman, for whatever reason, should she become pregnant can still expect NO paid maternity leave. Zilch. That sure fits perfectly with the concept of “Pro-Life” doesn’t it? And the proposal is only for a tax deduction – meaning it only benefits to those who already make enough money to pay the expense upfront – like Ivanka. She no doubt claims her legions of nannies as a “business” expense.
They are hideous too – they all look fake like their father and inspire nausea.