Grifters gonna grift.
Isn’t this exactly how a blind trust works?
Trump: I don’t know why people don’t trust me. They should have confidence in me. In fact, many people are saying I’m the biggest confidence man they’ve ever seen.
Yeah… these people are unbelievable. As dirty as the day is long.
Grifters GOTTA grift.
It;s all they know. The entire Trump zeitgiest is all about taking the fools for all they have.
And this little grifter and daddy Don are going to demand that we all buy this to support his business??? It is amazing how stupid Don is… can only hope that all his businesses crash after seeing what a racist, unintelligent person this sexual predator is.
Ten grand? pfffft
The President-Elect wants to give his oldest three kids top secret clearance. The same ones that are supposed to run his blind trust. That could be worth millions to him financially.
Doesn’t Federal law require a written disclaimer printed on Ivanka until she can be opened up for subcontractor bids?
Just wait until they put up the merchandise kiosk on the front lawn of the White House .
They’ll also probably have a vegetable stand to flog veggies from Michelle’s garden.
Rutabagas $79.95 With a a Trump White House ®™ band on it
And you can bet the profits won’t go to charity.
This is so chilling to me, the way she has expertly posed with the bracelet is so artificial, I guess she is her father’s daughter after all. They did this during the primaries.
From The Daily Show
"Last night his victory speech somehow ended up with a secret service agent guarding a table of wine and steak."
I think I see a bumpersticker in my future…or at least a hash tag! I’m ‘left in Washington State’ too. Aren’t you glad to be living here?
Class will tell.
I moved from Texas 13 years ago…so YEAH…I am very happy to be in the beautiful, liberal (at least on the west side) Pacific Northwest!
The ‘other side’ is just to visit. Welcome!
American Kleptocracy but Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and his supporters wouldn’t care.
Ripoff price, unless the diamonds are super high quality, which I’m sure they are not.
So how about this?
This below is exactly how I feel (a photo embedded).
Odd that people with money always want more.
The sickness never ends.