Ivanka Trump: A Low Life in High Heels
The voting machines.
Warning: Involves pigs.
Not real, but bought and paid for!
Wonder what this is about? /s
The voice, the makeup, the fabrics not found in nature…
Yes indeed but I think it would be too much like work. I’d rather start with say … Penelope Cruz fully dressed. Then I’d be truly motivated.
fightin words
Barr was very nice to me. And he tips well.
Scarlett O’Trump.
But then Jared would have to be … Rhett?
That was completely unecessary and offensive.
What are your thoughts when someone on the right makes a comment about a woman’s appearance?
You’re going after the wrong commenter. irasdad is much beloved around these parts.
Pointing out inauthenticity = criticizing a woman’s looks?
¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Billy and Rodney will probably announce that Rodney’s dog ate the report and all copies.
Someone from the NYT on Nicolle Wallace’s show wondered if Barr would be announcing an investigation of the investigators.
OTOH, Rosenstein will be standing up there, and he ordered some of this, so probably not.
Probably. Nothing would surprise me.
I recently worked at a federal government location…OK, a smallish historic national park site…with a superintendent who portrayed himself quite successfully as a modern kind of warm, collaborative, open minded sort of boss. He repeatedly and personally demonstrated to me that he was a vicious little #@$%*&. No one seemed to notice. The experience was a bit bizarre. One day after a few months the thought spontaneously and quite literally arose in my brain: “He’s a phony!”. Not a word I normally used. It was like I was suddenly channeling Holden Caufield after not reading that book in decades. A very singular and enlightening little mental event. And totally correct.
All I could figure was that I had made a couple of very minimal constructive criticisms or suggestions about the place in meetings, expressed as inoffensively and tentatively as I could. I have no idea what working for Ivanka could be like. I have no idea of what she is supposed to be doing.
But based on my experience described above, what must it be to work under Donald?
I guess working for Ivanka is seen by anyone doing it as a subset of working for Dad. I do not see any way that any of it could possibly work. You would have to be a faceless drone, or get thrown out. Not good management practice, and that’s what is going on there.
How does her appearance have bearing on her performance? I’ve seen criticism of Nancy Pelosi because she had cosmetic surgery. Does that make her phony?
Her stupidity and arrogance are authentic.
I thought they were the caterpillars for her kids’ second grade science project.
In all fairness to all the women named trumPP, they too have contributed to the growth in sales of hair extensions.