Discussion: Ivana Trump To Discuss Events Leading Up To Divorce From Trump In New Book

I’m pretty sure this book is a whitewash of their marriage, no, orangewash. Is that what too many face lifts looks like btw? She said in an interview recently that she talks to her ex once a week. This book is simply her attempt to get on the tRump grifter gravy train.



“Maybe in fifteen years, she could run for president?” she writes about her daughter, Ivanka, before musing about her own possible title. “First Lady? Holds no appeal for me personally. First Mother? That could work.”

You’ve got the “mother” part right, and we are burdened with your children due to the fucking.


Ivana and Trump Tower are of the same era. Leading to the famous comment: “Trump likes his buildings to look like his wives: tall and tacky.”


“Dictator Chic”, “Louis the Bordello”

ETA. What’s with the Rose Mofford do?


“My instincts told me that Donald was smart and funny — an all-America good guy,” Ivana Trump writes.

Instincts? She could sense the bank account from across the room like Deanna Troi could sense hostility in an attacking starship.


Channeling her inner Patsy


Ivanka’s going to be President? My own instincts tell me Ivana should learn not to trust hers.


Are we sure that that Ivana’s not Rudy G. In drag? I never see them present at the same time.


The alimony checks must be running a little late and low. So, a perfectly average, normal ex does some normsplaining about her perfectly normal ex who is now a so-called president and throws in a couple of compliments about his favorite girl. Not going to be on my reading list, I’m afraid. The rubes might love it, though (especially if there’s some abuse sprinkled about), so there’s a few $$$ to be made.


“Sand, Where Does It all Go To?”, “Great Candida infections in History” and “The Slime Molds of Peru” are way ahead on mine.”


Speaking of Star Trek, have you seen the new show The Orville. It’s really quite good. Better than the new Star Trek series I must say.

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Sounds like a snoozer. She felt bad about the affair and divorce? Well huh. I have rather higher literary standards so listen Ivana it’s “He raped me I mean it this time” or GTFO.


I think if anything this book will go out of its way to dispel the rape allegations she made. I think she’ll find a way to take it back. Who talks to their rapist once a week and is offered an ambassadorship? This entire family is sick and dysfunctional. Who knows where the truth lies. I believe he raped her, but for whatever reason she felt a need to bury it or walk it back. That’s not particularly unusual, especially when you still have a bullying blowhard in the picture. Why she’s allowed herself to keep him in the picture is beyond me though. Her children are grown and yet she’s still maintains regular contact with him. Ick.


And i’m sure her book will be met with the same level of skepticism as “Clinton Cash.”


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Trump secured her and friends a table at a hot Manhattan restaurant, paid the check and chauffeured her back to her hotel in a giant Cadillac.

“My instincts told me that Donald was smart and funny — an all-America good guy,” Ivana Trump writes.

So way back in the dark ages, around the end of senior year of high school, a bunch of us were sitting around talking about our future plans, as kids are prone to do. One of our number, a girl who’d emigrated from eastern Europe a few years previously, very seriously explained that her goal was to meet and marry a rich American while attending college. I remember a bunch of us looking befuddled at each other and going, is that a Czech thing?




We’ve all seen how weird, complicated, and surprisingly durable abusive relationships can be, just among people we know. Then you bring money and celebrity into it, and remember we’re discussing a person who’d marry someone like Trump in the first place—it’s not that surprising. Creepy, but not surprising.


Exactly. Where are the rape allegations that I’ve heard so much about? How much did Donald pay her for this fluff piece?


I have only seen a portion of the first episode of Orville. It looks promising once they get comfortable.

ST: Discovery, bland and off for the franchise. A lot of people were put out by the re-imaging of the reboot movies with Pine, but I appreciated that. There was definitely a nod to what came before and made sense. But ST:D feels like a different franchise and universe altogether. I would be willing to give it a chance, but it is stuck in the CBS All Access and it is ridiculous to pay “another” fee to watch one show. Which is a shame since I a fan of Michelle Yeoh.