Oh, please. C’mon, people, why can’t we just respect each other no matter what the color of our skin? Young children get this. Maybe It’s time for adults to grow younger?
Yes, it’s okay to to white, it’s NOT okay to be a bigot. How hard is that to understand?
The only systemic danger a white person has to face, or has ever had to face in this country, is from other white people.
If you’re white, you can ponder hypothetical questions like “What other time in the history of the US would you go back to if you could?” and then toy with the idea of living in colonial times or perhaps the postwar 1940s. It certainly has been “OK to be white” pretty much all along the way.
If you’re black, the idea of willingly transporting yourself back in time to any time in US history seems unfathomable. Not only was it not “OK” to be black in the US in either colonial times or even the late 1940s, it was in many cases horrific.
But that’s not something white people tend to think about because for them history is just a fun idea to play with.
Yeah I’m scratching my head and laughing too - this is Vermont - Good grief! hahahahaha
Just OK, huh? Any white supremacist worth his salt should say " It is fabulous to be white."
In VT I would easier believe the signs are meant to be ironic than placed by butthurt white folks. Most people would probably just chuckle and move on.
White supremacism is a form of mental illness: one of its ugliest manifestations is this sense, so skillfully exploited and expanded by the Republican Party over the last half century, that whiteness not only exists at all, but that it is something precious and superior, and yet strangely fragile—incapable of withstanding a sort of “free market” of race in which people rise or fall on their own merits.
Only through laws that privilege whiteness, isolate it and insulate it from competition, can it survive: the minute the door is opened to other races, whiteness, like some exotic plant, begins to wither and decline.
And yet at the same time these yokels fancy that they are the Master Race, that they “built” civilization: they imagine that this fragile, threatened, terrified, endangered race created all that is good upon the earth.
I am all for giving these civilization-builders a vast tract of land just for themselves, provided they can pass a whiteness test.
Those who can demonstrate that they are 100% “white” going back at least, oh, let’s be arbitrary, say five generations, with no taint of any of the rest of us in their sacred Blood, may enter this vast tract, but not exit it.
There, without the threat of impure Blood to damage them, they can do what they believe they do best: build a civilization. Symphonies, skyscrapers, great markets bristling with commerce, cures for diseases.
The caveat: this time they have to do it without benefit of centuries of human history, without the inspiration of other cultures, without the genius and shared inspiration of people of other races,and, above all, without slave labor.
Let’s see how long they last.
More white supremacists should have DNA testing like that moron who tried to take over a ND town.
When has it not been okay to be White in America? It might feel tougher now, because it’s no longer a time when minorities can be ordered around by any White person on the street. That said, Vermont? Really?
Read the article. Last winter a similar outbreak was traced to one Vermont resident who was not a student and some out of state individuals.
Someone from Maine?
Well, to honestly state my prejudices I was guessing from somewhere further South!
I’ve been lucky enough to live in urban neighborhoods with significant minority populations twice in my life. This kind of sentiment is laughable to me and my neighbors, who would never doubt for a second the okay-ness of my white-ness. In my lived experience, it could only happen in an all-white community. Sad but true, those tend toward irrational fear of people who look different.
I find that true, too. I live in Dallas and I’ve spent most of my life here. For the last 11 years I’ve been fortunate enough to spend about 5 months a year in Taos, New Mexico.
There are many African Americans in Dallas and we all live together more than we used to by far, but every place I go here I am among diverse people. In Taos the diversity is different - it is Hispanic and Native American. There are very very few African Americans in Santa Fe or Taos. Traditionally, New Mexico is not welcoming to African Americans even though almost none have ever lived there. It’s a strange phenomenon.
One thing I really miss when I’m in New Mexico is the diversity we have here in Dallas, or in the state for that matter.
The kind of racism that I see in places like Maine just makes me crazy - people in Maine don’t live around African Americans - maybe they’d get over it if they did. Believe it or not, we’ve gotten over a lot of it in the south - biracial couples are common place here now.
I’d suggest putting up signs saying "it’s ok to be brown, black, Asian, red, Jewish, gay, transgender, Catholic, a woman – or any group you want to make feel welcome. Nothing like making them look silly and co-opting their feeble attempt to ‘stand up’ for themselves. And by the way, would they please define White and provide genetic tests showing they are 100%? The problem may be how to count the Neanderthal genes that many of them probably have in unusually high proportions.
Ok. I’m done snarking for the moment.
Doesn’t sound like Vermont home cookin’ to Me either. Probably those treacherous Quebecois…
Maybe put up signs saying “It’s okay to be human but a shame to be stupid.”
Yeah the problem isn’t being white, the problem is being a racist. And unfortunately a lot of white folks are racist.
Sure. It’s fine to be white. I’ve been a white person all my life. Any paler & I’d be transparent. It is not however ok to be stupid, bigoted, rude, ignorant, divisive, inhumane and any of the other deplorable characteristics white “nationalists” seem to want to associate with their melanin level. To be white and not be ashamed of people who pull stuff like this? That’s not ok either
I’m kind of with you on this one. Compared to the bomber, Pittsburgh, etc., this is a bit disturbing and nothing more. The proper response, IMHO, much better than punitive actions by government, would be to post other signs adjacent to them saying, “It’s OK NOT to be white”.