What a dope! Did she read the Buzzfeed story?
Sorry, Honey, but anyone with the last name of T rumpp, especially those named T rumpp who appear on Fox State News Service have demonstrated time and time again that what they say publicly to exonerate themselves is bullshit.
We believe you. We really, really do.
"…and he is trying to get his last couple minutes of fame.”
For all of Cohen’s faults and previous lies, I really don’t think that his current situation is the kind of fame that he is looking for.
Ah, the age old adage…the other guy is lying. I have noticed a tendency that few criminals have partners that honest to goodness saints, little old ladies, or innocent children. Look away. Ask her the direct question: Did Donald Trump ever have meetings with Cohen about Trump Moscow, yes or no? If she doesn’t know, then she can STFU. She’s pulling a Sarah Sanders here.
The Orange Gobshite lies a dozen times a day, 7000+ times in the last few years, and Laura Trump cannot fathom that Trump told Cohen to lie?
Sister, have I got a bridge to sell ya.
Her culinary degree is helping her cook up some real BS
“Fear not, young lady, in due time, justice will be done”
Team Trump really has a deep bench … This is the woman, who has seen Eric Trump naked ?. And just about the only Trump which didn’t partipate in the TT meeting ?
“Sadly, Michael Cohen is a fraud”
Perhaps, milady, perhaps.
Too bad there’s this, which you overlooked…
The special counsel’s office learned about Trump’s directive for Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents. Cohen then acknowledged those instructions during his interviews with that office.
So yes, I do believe that the truth will indeed come out.
Weak attempt Lara. Best bet here would be to “bothsides” this one. Ask David Brooks as he is the king of “bothsiderism”. The other option is to yell “squirrel” and then talk about caravans.
BTW, do you happen to know where Mitch is?
Of course not. She read the script supplied by FOX.
She doesn’t deny it.
“I will tell you, I think Michael Cohen is a very desperate man,” Lara Trump told Fox News. “We’ve seen that he has perjured himself in the past."
Yeah, he has. At the direction and on the instructions of his boss Donald J. Trump.
And since when is Lara Trump the spokesperson? Is she the only one left they think has any credibility at all?
You are going to be a single parent, dear.
And the gov’t may seize all Trump property/assets, so dust off your resume.
Lara tRump… definitely Chief of Staff material… be best
Be Best Failure!
[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:13, topic:83250, full:true”]
She doesn’t deny it
[/quote]But, as she says, it is ridiculous - as is most everything we’re finding out about the Trump crime family that she is officially part of.
Mob bosses gonna mobster … and suborn perjury.
Shorter Lara Drumpf: “facts have no meaning so long as we deny them”.
Which one is/was this one married to, Bevis or Butthead?