Discussion: Israeli Minister 'Disappointed' In Trump Not Moving US Embassy To Jerusalem

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“There were very clear election promises, not to the state of Israel but to the American voter, of moving the embassy and I very much regret the delay,” Elkin told Army Radio.

“That line is over there. This is ‘Regrets-General’. Next!”

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Take it up with Congress, you idiot. Another person who has no idea how the U.S. government actually works.

Too bad Zeev Elkin!! An embassy is NOT needed in Jerusalem!

In what order should the US Government initiate both the move of its embassy to Jerusalem and its withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran? Or does it matter?

I have thought a bit about my post and conclude that both the move to Jerusalem and breaking the agreement with Iran should be done at the same time, in the same announcement, in the same legislation, so that the Evil Ones get the utmost Satanic effect from their Evil.