Discussion for article #225295
Thirteen Israeli soldiers killed,this is the reason according to a discussion I heard the other day that Israel did not want to get into a ground war.As long as it was by air and sea there were no casualties.Now that this is starting we will see if the end is near for this conflict.I will bookmark this post to see if the discussion I heard was correct.
The hard line government don’t care about “cannon fodder” or “collateral damage”. Unless the good people of Israel stop them, they will play this game for their own satisfaction.
[quote=“sylhines, post:3, topic:7187”]
“Unless the good people of Israel stop them,”
That’s the key, S.
Fighting ain’t fun when the rabbit has a gun. That’s why they want to kill them all from the air.
What I fail to understand is why didn’t Abbas the chosen leader of the Palestinian people offer to allow the women and children of Gaza to go to the West Bank where they would be safe from Israeli bombs. Likewise, why didn’t hasn’t israel offered to allow the women and children safe passage.
It would be a great PR for Israel and Abbas and free up the Israeli military to go in and wipe Hamas out. That is what they want right?
I can see where Abbas might be concerned that Israel would use this as an opportunity to separate families. For instance, could Israel be trusted to allow the transfer of all who sought evacuation to the West Bank AND their return after the bombing?
The bottom line here is that Israel is already in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention part 3, paragraph 2:
If therefore an area is in danger as a result of military operations or is liable to be subjected to intense bombing, the Occupying Power has the right and, subject to the provisions of Article 5 [ Link ] , the duty of evacuating it partially or wholly, by placing the inhabitants in places of refuge.
The same applies when the presence of protected persons in an area hampers military operations. Evacuation is only permitted in such cases, however, when overriding military considerations make it imperative; if it is not imperative, evacuation ceases to be legitimate.
It is stipulated that evacuation must not involve the movement of protected persons to places outside the occupied territory, unless it is physically impossible to do otherwise (6). Thus, as a rule evacuation must be to reception centres inside the territory.
The last sentence of the paragraph was added by the Diplomatic Conference (7); it stipulates that protected persons who have been evacuated are to be brought back to their homes as soon as the [p.281] hostilities in the area have ended.
Wrong headline Josh. How about this: [300] Unarmed Palestinian Civilians Killed in Gaza and [8000] Left Homeless. But I guess that doesn’t present the optics you’re reaching for.
Memo to TPM - Can you shed some light on Gaza’s extensive offshore natural gas reserves that have been the focus of Israeli negotiations with the Palestinian Authority for several years? And that this “war on terror” in Gaza may really be nothing but an attack on Palestinian rights to these offshore gas reserves. This subject seems to never get coverage in the American industrial media. But a basic Google search uncovers a significant trove of documentation pointing up this matter as the real reason for the current attack on Gaza. There’s too much supporting information for this to be any type of weird manufactured conspiracy theory. This is a basic “follow the money” premise. Please start with a July 18, 2014 article entitled “Gaza: Israel’s $4 Billion Gas Grab” at this link: http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2482929/gaza_israels_4_billion_gas_grab.html
FYI Richard Clarke’s Rule: “… you don’t knock down a conspiracy theory until you can prove it [wrong].
It seems to me Israel has lost some of its edge when it come to its military. It used to be they would just kick ass, and that was it, end of story. They never
had any problems. The last few times they have tried something like this that has not been the case. Maybe their enemy is just gotten more sophisticated.
Oh, boy. The IDF has a lot of work if they’re going to hit the magical 100-1 kill rate that they had in the last invasion.