Discussion for article #234923
Islamic State Infiltrates Palestinian Refugee Camp In Syria
The headline really doesn’t fit the article that follows. They haven’t "infiltrated, but are attacking it.
“The Observatory reported heavy clashes in the camp between IS fighters and members of an anti-Assad Palestinian faction called Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis.”
Who cares? Unless Ahmed’s House of Felafel isn’t catering gay weddings.
“The Nusra Front opened the road for them in order to infiltrate the camp and several hours ago they entered Yarmouk,” Raja said by telephone. It was not immediately clear why Nusra would facilitate the entry of IS into the camp.
How about the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
What tangled webs we weave in the Mideast when we first practice to topple secular regimes.
Sorry, Jeffrey, this was not meant to be a reply to you; I clicked the wrong box.
I forgive you.